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Gouda Vase (The Netherlands), Early 20th Century

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (100 items)

    There is not a whole lot of non-Danish ceramics to be found on markets here in Denmark, except Rörstrand and other Scandinavian types of pottery. But Gouda vases are quite common and I have always wanted one! This little vase is of the ‘Melvin’ pattern and I assume it is from around 1920, but if anyone knows how to date Gouda pottery, I’d be glad to know more (I’ve tried to google it, but it seemed a little labyrinthine…). I assume I don’t have to go into details about the Gouda factory – there is already quite a few pieces on display in here!

    Height. 12 cm. Mark: Illegible number (perhaps 2026). Pattern name ‘Melvin’. The Gouda mark (‘little house'). On the left side of this a plant-like sign (the artist?) and the right ‘AT’ which should be the date. Does anyone know what year ‘AT’ is? And finally ‘Holland’. Above the marking somethings has been scratched, but I can’t read it.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      beautiful and colorful!!
    2. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 9 years ago
      I think the date is on the left. The mark that looks a little like a stalk of wheat seems to indicate the year 1921 (a straight vertical line with six angled marks) and the 7 would normally signify July. Please keep in mind I'm definitely no expert on this so you'll want to do your own research to confirm (or disprove).

      I usually check this site first as a resource:
    3. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 9 years ago
      I forgot to add that if any of the angled lines on the date mark are actually dots instead (I can't always see details clearly on my phone), that seems to indicate the same year as the lines would. The number of marks was evidently more important than the way they appeared.
    4. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Gouda is not a brand of pottery, but the area this pottery comes from.
      The "house" represents Lazuras' Gate and is the mark for Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland or PZH.
      The AT is actually the painter's initials.
      I really like this earlier work - the shape and painting seems more unpolished and beautiful to me.
    5. vodonnell, 3 years ago
      Hi Jensen, I hope you still are on this blog. I posted an item that I am hoping you can help with. It's from P.Ipsen and it's under my name. I would love to know if you can help me find out about it.
      Thanks in advance

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