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Chinese Dynasty Chess Set

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (89 items)

    I have this set from 1953 when my father was stationed over seas. He played in a tournament there with Grand Master Stuart Wagman. I am trying to find out more of about this set. It could be one of a kind and I will never find one similar, but I would love some help identifying it if anyone can help.

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    1. MeliG MeliG, 9 years ago
      Are the characters made of bone or ivory? Very nice set.
    2. MeliG MeliG, 9 years ago
      Do you have a board as well that came with it?
    3. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      I believe they are made of bone. They come in a silk cover box and no board. I was told they are a competition set.
    4. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      They may bee ivory! A well focused close-up of the under base of one piece will help to say :-)

      I found nothing about ADA LUM Kowloon, except for fabric dolls, lol!

      Google images for Chinese ivory vintage chess set to try finding same characters.

    5. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      I uploaded a close up of the bottom. I was looking for the basket weave pattern on the bottom but did not see it. Please take a look.
    6. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Cross hatch lines aren't showing on all parts of ivory pieces ! I'm still thinking Ivory.
      From your new pic, I can't see no evidence for beeing bone nor resin :-)
      See this link and scroll down to the pics for Id. clues:
    7. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      What about Alabaster?
    8. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      No, details in carving are too crisp!
    9. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      I am going to post a second set, that I believe to be Ivory. Lets see if my identification is good.
    10. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      OK, so my identification of Ivory is good. These pieces are lighter and don't feel right. Just being honest. Stone maybe?
    11. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Sure it is not stone, there is different qualities of ivory, some heavy, some light, elephant, hippo.... Can't help more, you have it in hand to test :-)
    12. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      Thank you, I appreciate the help.
    13. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      142 Boundary Street, Kowloom, is now apartments. Ho Man Tin/King's Park.

      Ada Lum had a shop on Boundary Street:

      " Eleanor Cowles Gellhorn writes "Ada Lum has an entrancing collection at her shop at 142 Boundary Road, ... miles out but worth the taxi fare there. She carries exquisite linen, cotton, ...." (Page 101, 1965) Don't you wish her shop was still there."
    14. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Der Bayez, my link is probably the one kyra read, referring to linens. There is more info posted in the blog link, so maybe something of some use to you. I agree with kyra that this set is ivory. I have a large carved bone necklace posted here. You can compare the differences.
    15. DerBayz DerBayz, 9 years ago
      Thank you. I will check out the post and yes I see the difference in your necklace.
    16. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      well who i am to contradict kyratano, this is strange stuff, this is an Ba Xian, Pa Hsien set
      an the one who typed the clearance must be completely drunk or a foreigner , because this is not the proper way to translate the chinese dieties names

      as far as i can see the department store cleared it , so it can,t be that bad

      is this a competion set, no , because the ought to be monocoloured ( soaking of submerging) they are too distracting and the other reason they are too ornamental , and distracting for chess players

      is it ivory , well it probably is i see no reason for disqualifying the alledged Schreger , otherwise you can needletest or blacklight is

      i think the set is rather well

      addendum Stuart Wagman was, not a grandmaster but a rather weak FIDE , master , who always plays the fianchetto,s wrong in the BIRD opening IMO
    17. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      nimzon larsen attack was rather well

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