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1953 UK alphanumeric dial + huge outer ring

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (9 items)

    1953 GPO alphanumeric dial with starburst outer. The only one I ever encountered found in 15 years of period telephone collecting in UK.
    Very heavy steel outer is stamped 197LH53 at back, and the No.12 dial is etched 12S 53/2 (the "19" was never incorporated into dating old British phones). I suppose it's from a public kiosk, or domestic use for those with very poor eyesight. Are there similar versions in say USA ? What is extra special is not only near mint condition, but the Coronation year of Queen Elizabeth The Second ... this most unusual, almost bizarre dial outer may have been commissioned as part of the celebrations that year. Would love to hear from anyone with information...

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