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Edwardian Era St. Hubert Patron Saint Of Hunters Brooch Belgian Flea Market Find $2

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1017 items)

    Silver plated. Interesting old bit of jewelry. The C clasp is made from red copper. There are initials or something on the stem of the fern, but so far have not been able to make them out.

    This is also the very recognizable logo for Jagermeister.

    Saint Hubert of Liège is patron of archers; dogs; forest workers; trappers; hunting; huntsmen; mathematicians; metal workers; and smelters. Liege, Belgium; Saint-Lamberge, Belgium.

    Death date: May 30, 727 AD, Tervuren, Belgium

    St. Hubert is buried not far from me, in the Belgian Ardennes.

    Thank for looking/loving, CW friends!

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      I need one of these.

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