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Amazing antique Chinese Carved Brush Waterer Signed

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (26 items)

    This wonderful antique Chinese brush waterer measures 3" in height. There are two different images carved into the sides. It is signed on the bottom. Although I cannot translate. It looks like perhaps a monk or wise man on each side.

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    1. wexval, 9 years ago
      There are no references for marks on ivory (that I know of) as there are for porcelain. However, your mark has some of the characteristics of a Chenghua (1465 to 1487) reign mark in the Ming dynasty. The piece, while obviously antique, could be later as the use of the mark has carried into the last century. Use the link and scroll down to Chenghua, then to marks 257 and 611. That's a very nice carving.
    2. aehudsons aehudsons, 9 years ago
      Thank you. I will research. Very much appreciated.
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Val, how did you know this was ivory? Thought if something was spotted it was bone?
    4. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      kyratango, where is your eagle eye that can spot a mouse at a mile's distance? lol ;)
    5. wexval, 9 years ago
      Hi Katherine, in the photo of the base with the marks there are Schereger lines in the quarter from 3 o'clock to 12 o'clock. I downloaded the image and enhanced. There may be more elsewhere, but that's the area I examined.
    6. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Ah yes, I see. I was looking at the third picture with all the spotty bits and concluded it was bone. Nothing like the expert eye! :)
    7. wexval, 9 years ago
      Hi RG, I think you have it, but the other three photos are too out of focus for any enlargement to allow for confirmation. However, the rough inside in photo three makes a good case for bone.
    8. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Yes, that combination does explain everything, if true. :)
    9. aehudsons aehudsons, 9 years ago
      Thank you for all the feedback.
    10. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      well i am in trouble here because wexval is the best expert , so you better stick to him

      i agree about the mark, actually the mark is excellent , but actually i don,t think that,s DES PUDELS KERN

      the question is , is this the19 century chengua revival hype , and i am certainly not an expert , but i think it is

      normally they will chicken feed, this quality is far better, this will run , IMO it is ox-bone , but i am not certain , but i worked my ass off , so congrats, well done

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