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Live grenade metal ball

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (247 items)

    My cousin I haven't seen in a long time gave this to me today. He said it was military but I can't find one like this.
    It's heavy and has what looks like levers to set it or something, could my cousin be wrong about this ?

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    1. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 9 years ago
      Handle with care!
    2. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 9 years ago
      It's a bomblet from a cluster bomb. A larger shell explodes in the air and scatters these smaller bombs over a large area. Pretty nasty as the ones that don't explode lay scattered around for people to find and get killed by, sometimes years later.

      This one looks like it's painted blue, which may indicate an inert practice or training version. However, unless you know for sure it's inert, it's a damn dangerous thing to have around.
    3. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 9 years ago
      OMG, put it away, a long way away!
    4. billypicker65 billypicker65, 9 years ago
      oh crap, gonna put away in back yard. Thanks
    5. battlegear battlegear, 9 years ago
      Vietnam era BLU-26/B cluster bomb

      The blue color indicates the fact that it is not a live munition.

      This item was used for training safely with these pieces and is painted "inert dummy round blue" 54mm in diameter, 2 1/8 inches. This inert bomblet was 1 of 1800 that was contained in the 2000 pound CBU-75 Sadeye cluster bomb.
    6. billypicker65 billypicker65, 9 years ago
      battlegear, very cool Thank You. I was wondering what to do with it, still sitting in back yard.

    7. battlegear battlegear, 9 years ago
      it makes an interesting paperweight or conversation piece for your desk or on the bookshelf.
    8. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      Man, and his penchant to destroy all that he has not bred. Ugh.
    9. battlegear battlegear, 9 years ago
      Billy, you should change the title from "LIVE Grenade" to "INERT" so people will know it's a trainer / dummy rd
    10. Morosirus Morosirus, 3 years ago
      Hello, I’m researching this as well, as one was left to me by my grandfather. Mine is disassembled if anyone wants to see the inside. Two halves and a small stacked cylindrical core…which I assumed was a detonator. If it’s inert, would it need one?
    11. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Yes! we want to see it!
    12. Morosirus Morosirus, 3 years ago
      Here ya go:

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