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Arrow Car Mascot Signed Darel, Circa 1920 Made For Mondan & Wilson Garage, France

In Art Deco > Art Deco Bronze > Show & Tell and Classic Cars > Hood Ornaments > Show & Tell.
AMERICAN CAR MASCOTS1 of 26Aida Figure, Le Genie Special,  By Fadi Cajani, French Art Deco Car Mascot, Paris Circa 1925, The Funniest Story on "Where did you get that hood ornament" or Trash
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (223 items)

    Arrow Car Mascot Signed By Darel, Circa 1920 Made For Mondan & Wilson Garage, France
    The Mondan garage in France, was one of very few garages who had mascots made for them. This mascot is strikingly similar to another one that was made by Darel in 1925 in France, but not for a garage. This one is nice because of the original decorative bolt that was made with it. The mascot and bolt can come off and be replaced with a motometer, thermometer for the car radiator. The bolt itself was made for this mascot in particular and as such is extremely rare to see one of these with it still on and used. Wow.

    I add this to hood ornaments category since there is no Car Mascot category. Car mascots were the words used then and now by England and France for the european mascots. I prefer the European mascots by far since they were the first nations to come out with them and produced superior models made of bronze and chrome plated or silvered bronze.

    Right now I just have a clear lucite base with this one but someday may find a nice marble or wood base to display properly.
    Update: 5/17/2016 - I put it on this depression glass stepped Art Deco base and photographed it today.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks nutsabotas6, I appreciate that !
    2. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      Hay,.. is he pointing north or south ...Smiling ..Nice post ,good to see you back....
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks Windwalker, last I looked he was pointing at you, so I reply here LOL !
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks glassiegirl, I appreciate the compliment from someone as fine as you! xo
    5. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Very neat Art Deco design, love too your base, very complementary!
      I lived not far from rue Galvani when I was a Parisian :-)
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 9 years ago
      Wow! I really love this!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you kyratango, I envy you !
      Thank you Nicefice, appreciated.
      Thank you vintagelamp, I appreciate the comment !
    8. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks Valentino and Celiene for the love !
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks petey for stopping by.
    10. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 7 years ago
      Fabulous! I guessed it would be yours Phil, before reading it, you have the a fantastic Art Deco collection :)
    11. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Thank you Vintagefran, love to you !~
    12. Windwalker, 7 years ago
      I can remember every summer a group of arrows would show up to run there cars to the top of mt Washington,it was a sight to see as one might say...they even dress with the full lenth white coats and hats and auto road who owns the road to the top of the mt ...which is a privete family owned..not public or state, ran arrows for years, to drive folks to the top of the mt ....
      as paul harvey would say ,,and thats the rest of the story..., lol later have to hunt down some more mattings ...
    13. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Thanks Windwatcher and Hoot60 for the love.
    14. Rocky22222 Rocky22222, 3 years ago
      I see a AILEE M.BONNOT listed on the bay only 96,000 you still have time to jump in rich for my blood .. '=)) enjoy the day ..nice score Arrow Car Mascot Signed By Darel....

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