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Pocket Knives353 of 6751940 US Army issue CamillusSolingen ivory,single lock blade knife stainless
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this Schrade Walden double switch blade knife? I bought it back in the early 90's....I can't find any numbers on just the SCHRADE WALDEN NY written on the longer blade...most of the ones I see have sterling up on the corner but this doesn't...can anyone help me solve this puzzle
    I do appologize you the fans/collectors of these push button knives you are correct. It is nickel silver and I have posted two more pictures of the knife showing both sides....Thank you for your interest.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      Switchblade? Really? I love this knife! It looks sterling to me... I'm sure the knife experts will be by shortly to let you in on some info about this. I just had to see what it was. Wish it were mine!
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      This is a beautiful switchblade! Some info here:
    3. dupsey dupsey, 9 years ago
      Thank you the input....I did take it to a pawn shop and they did tell me that it was nickel its not the silver one that I had hoped....Its still a pretty knife...the blades a a bit it does need a little tlc. Anyway thanks for looking and I will have more to post so talk to you soon.
    4. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      A double switchblade? Hmm. Then the button on the other side of the handle must be on the opposite end of the handle, near the blade, right? You wouldn't mind showing us the other side of the knife, would you? You can show up to 4 pictures, as you know. [;>)
    5. UncleRon UncleRon, 9 years ago
      I seriously doubt that this knife is nickel-plated. It is undoubtedly nickel-silver (AKA German silver) which, ironically doesn't contain any silver at all. These little double-bladed knives were produced in three sizes: 2 3/4", 3 3/8", & 3 3/4." The "Schrade Cut Co. / Walden NY" mark was used until 1946, after which they were marked "Schrade Walden NY." They were quite popular until 1957 when the US Congress, in a typical over-reach of its authority, and in the confident knowledge that banning switchblade knives would end the violence of youth gangs in US cities (how's that working out for you?), and not being able to find a single word in the US Constitution allowing them to regulate knives, used the Interstate Commerce Commision to ban the transportation of switchblades over state lines for commercial purposes, effectively shutting down the trade in automatic knives. Enlightened lawmakers in many States are now overturning the LOCAL bans they passed in knee-jerk response to the ICC ruling but there's along way to go before you can confidently walk the streets of America with such a terrifying weapon in your pocket.
    6. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      I've got a switchblade (see my 2nd post, 8 months ago) and it terrifies the begeezuss outa my wife..... Of course, that's only when I've got the knife against her throat....... Smiling....... [;>)
    7. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the 4th photo ~ exactly what I was looking for. Also, thanks Bonnie for sharing the link. I'm gonna steal it from ya! ~ great reference material! [;>)
    8. Blaneharvey, 2 years ago
      I have one of these also's sterling silver...does anyone know the value ?

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