Posted 14 years ago
(762 items)
I happened upon this glass in a second hand store and saw the smashed remains of a second in the series of four at the bottom of a box. Health and safety demanded I clear up the pieces, but I still have this one. It was a freebie handed out by the French/Belgian fast food company Quick. It works well with my collection. I just wish I had all four. Haring's work is amazing! Bold and beautiful! Eye candy!
Many thanks BELLIN68 and Belltown too!
Many thanks Leah!
A belated thanks to fourpeepsake!
Many thanks MattyG!
Many thanks gingerakesler!
I always thought Haring was great. I have one of his early limited production Swatch watches new and in it's plastic case.
Thanks to you both, Sean & niedermanr.
Many thanks ho2cultcha!
so love this :) very fun !!!
Many thanks SEAN!
Many thanks for the loves TOM31675!
Many thanks Manikin!
You are very welcome vetraio50! =)
Many thanks NORDICMAN & HO2CULTCHA !!!!!
Many thanks UNDREAL !!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID !!!!!!!!!
Keith Haring supposedly got many of his ideas and style from the Tinga Tinga painters (artists) in Tanzania
Many thanks MODFATHER !!.!!.!!
Many thanks Gudrun !!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA & VYNIL !!!!!
I recently seen some of his work on the Antique Roadshow, too bad you were not there at the same time, congrats on this wonderful find !~