Posted 9 years ago
(436 items)
I have this Bzz Bzz for many years, lacking front and back right legs...
8 centimeters or 3.1/8" wingspan!
As I needed something to do... kyratisation was done :-)
You can see in pic 4 the UV curing resin applied and sculpted with my engraver stylus.
Have a look to part 2 to see how it came out after ;-D.
Thanks all for looking, loving (or not, eeek!), commenting.
What a great brooch!!!
Thank you Bonnie! It is a little weird, but very finely done.
Martika, Thomas, Kevin, Vintageforever, NevadaBlades, Mike, Pops and Paris, thak you so much for your visit and love! :-)
There you go agian Fixing up something else...smiling
love the new tell me , that your nursing the little fella with dog food is he chirping or barking in the picture... '-))
Such a beauty, love bees!
This is a fabulous piece! Off to find part 2!
Windwalker, Ziggy is howling to the moon like a Wolf... Though he eats cat's food, lol!
Virginia, thank you!!!
Courtenay, many thanks for your enthusiastic comment and love :-D
Of course lots of thanks to the 16 bee lovers!
Nice job Kyra. I have a moth made by the same maker. I'm not sure who they are but they have a distinctive style.
Jewels1900, hi!
I'd love to see your moth! I haven't seen yet another in such high relief design!
Thank you for your appreciation:-)
My moth is quite big - wide. I like their nice smooth bottoms!
Well done!
I have this on CD,... Thought Ziggy might like it ...smiling
Oh ya nice Job as always..
Thank you dear Marga!
Windwalker, thank you for the beautiful song and compliment :-))
Thank you Phil, Elisabethan, Davyd, Glassiegirl, Sean and Freiheit for your lovely visit :-)
Clever, passionate and patience are the keys of a good restoration.
And you got them all.
Merci Alan, c'est un très gentil commentaire :-)
What a wonderful little bee!!
Bzzzz bzzzz Scott!
Scott, Mani, Budek, thank you for loving the Bzz Bzz ;-)