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Early 70's Murano Art Glass 6-fish aquarium

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (12 items)

    I am sure most have you have seen one of these. I just thought I'd show you, as this one is pristine in every way. Again, it has been over ten years since I plucked this off eBay. I had bid on many before I won this one and lucked out and ended up getting for a lot less than I thought possible. I love to stare at it once in a while and just gaze at the workmanship of the Venetian Art Glass blower's and still wonder how they can do something, so detailed and so large! Having read about the family's in Murano that have passed down this fine art through the generations, it saddens me to see all the FAKE Chinese copy glass that is out there. I can tell, from experience, if it is real Murano to fake, most of the time. There are still moments when some Chinese, or other Venetian knock off artists, make it a challenge. But most of the time it is very obvious!
    Very heavy!!!

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      I love these. I recall my Granny having one and as a kid you were amazed how Glass clould be done this way.

      Check out Rick's fish aquarium hunk of Glass and his other posts. He has some Super Murano too:
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      That's an amazing piece of art glass!
    3. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Oh wow, I love this, thanks antiquerose for posting the link for Rick's fish aquarium. This is very similar.
    4. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      you can,t compare with a mezzaluna from elio raffali, that,s awhole different ball game , nice anyway

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