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Unidentifiable, but hand signed, Art Glass hand-blown Crystal Loon with egg inside...

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Studio Art Glass251 of 509Small Jon Offutt Art Glass hand-blown vase.O'Dell Vases
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (12 items)

    Here is one of my favorite unsolved mysteries! A hand-blown, Art Glass Studio piece. I have researched this piece beyond belief and can not figure out where it came from or who signed it. I have an hunch that it is European, but who knows? I hope someone that sees this can give me ANY info they think they might have!
    I do know that Stueben made a clear Crystal loon with the almost the same exact dimensions, but no internal egg and no fancy etched signature.
    Dimensions: 9" long, 3 1/4" wide, body 2 1/4" high, neck/head 3 7/8" high, beak 3" high. Mottled egg inside (approx.): 3 1/2" long x 2" wide x 1 1/4 high. It is very hard to measure something inside blown glass, due to the illusion effect created, but those are by best estimates.
    I think the loon and her egg, (must be a female, right?'s got an egg in it) are an awesome combination and create a visually beautiful match! Any thoughts?

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      The signature almost looks like it is Chinese or Japanese -- as they look more like characters ( to me ) than letters?

      MOO = My own Opinion
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @NEVADABLADES -- Can you take a look at the signature? Is it letters or characters ???
    3. westred westred, 9 years ago
      I can try to get a better shot of the signature. Having moved a few times, in recent years, I have yet to find my Canon camera that takes awesome macro shots. But I will have to make due with my iPad mini. I'll try to do this today....
    4. westred westred, 9 years ago
      I am not sure how to add to his Show & Tell item, but I tried to take a more contrasted photo. I'll try to see how I can post it.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Just start another new post on this -- and call it PART II and then you can put up another 4 different pics

    6. Noname, 3 years ago
      I have come up with the same glass figure. The signature is quite clear on mine. The top letter appears to be an M. The 2nd letter appears to (no definition) swing into the 3rd letter which appears to be an (I). The 4th letter is clearly an (N). The last letter is clearly an (S). Its dated (93). The egg is slightly different than yours in the mottling on the egg. Coloration the same as are the dimensions (slight variations). Have you come up with a maker. Quality too good to be ordinary. Quite unique in that its an art glass loon and it actually looks like a loon.
    7. leslea52, 3 years ago
      I have exactly the same glass figure and would love to know more about it. If you have discovered anything please let me know. I have searched sites like ebay for years but have yet to find another like it so I was so excited to see yours.
    8. Noname, 3 years ago
      Have not found any further info. Still looking. The quality of the loon would suggest a profile maker. The people in Italy do a lot of wildlife and the high quality of the work would suggest that. Just a thought for the time being.
    9. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      i don,t think this is murano , pontil is off, they should have have polished with a cartwheel drive, this is too ragged and i think you got no fluidum , it it is almost infusion style, signature did,not appear , still cute
    10. LaurieBouzane, 2 years ago
      I found the same loon statue at a garage sale yesterday and it has a pink center with black. I do not have a signature on the bottom. Has anyone found out more info?

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