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Chinese made "Hobo knife".

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (105 items)

    Great fun, cheap and useful, quite the largest of my folders too.
    Around 5 inches closed, with a 4.25 inch main blade, the quality is very good, but not exceptional.
    It needed some work, as the lanyard loop had got stuck inside, the spring for the fork was bent so needed straightening, and the screwdriver/file/corkscrew brass rivet had worn loose and needed refitting and the rivets hammering down a little. You can see the rivet work in the last photo, they are shinier than the others and the collar broke on the spoon end rivet!
    The plastic scales are loose now, so my friend has offered to make some new ones out of staghorn, bone or one of several types of wood he has in his shed. He makes walking sticks (he is yet to sell one, though he keeps promising to!) and has quite the tool shed for his work, it's a proper man cave!
    Thinking of using zinc nails for rivets, or possibly tiny brass bolts countersunk in the handles. If I can find any locally!

    Cheers, Bob.

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    1. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Sounds like quite the project! [;>)
    2. bobbee bobbee, 9 years ago
      Definitely Michael!
      We will start tomorrow, pick the material and finish wanted, then get stuck in!
    3. bobbee bobbee, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the loves guys!

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