Posted 9 years ago
(436 items)
It is so well made!
Glass lapis simulant, jade and coral color enamel, kind of rhodium plated sterling, no marks...
About 4cm long.
Last pics are my sweet baby bear Kyra, who passed at 14 and a half yesterday.
I'm so sad to have been abroad when she left...
Hubby found her dead in the morning and had to manage with all, including announcing this awful event to me *..*
Heartbreaking for you to not be with your girl and to get that news. So sad.
She looks red Kelpie - a beautiful dog.
Awww, that's a shame. I do hope she went peacefully. That is a good age for a Lab.
Your brooch is lovely.
So sorry Kyratango.....your Kyra would have been a wonderful friend for 14 years and I am sure you have many treasured memories.
Your brooch is right hand corner near the that a mark in a rectangle??
So sorry, hardbreaking Kyra, I understand this kind of grief. I loosed my husband about five weeks ago as you already know. In the course of the years, we have lost a lot of beloved pets including dogs and cats different. It's sad to loose such dear friends.
Sorry to hear about your beautiful dog, my condolences, beautiful pin !~
Karen, Bonnie, TassieDevil, Marga, thank you for your kind words.
She was a chocolate lab mix, I got her at 6 weeks, her mother was 10 and not patient enough for puppies!
TassieD, the only mark is sterling :-)
Phil, thank you! Still can't imagine not to see her tomorrow when returning home :-/
I am so sorry to hear about your dog!
Lovely brooch, Tango. And your lovely dog, Kyra..... My condolences.
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Kyra:( Our last little dog Fritz, a 14 year old miniature Dachshund, left us a bit over 2 years ago. We're still grieving the loss of Fritz.
Freiheit, Nevada, Scott, thank you for your kind comments, and all loves!
Scott, I can fairly well understand your still miss your Fritz... pets are real family members...
My condolences Kyra... I know how heartbreaking it is when your pet passes away. At least she had a happy life.
I'm so sorry about Kyra. She looks like she was a very sweet intuitive dog.
So sad for your loss Kyra. :( It's never easy to let go. I hope your memories bring you comfort. I said a prayer for you and hope in your own time you will find peace in your heart.
Hopefully she passed peacefully in her sleep. I had to put my "Tootsie" to sleep (over 20, About 1 week ago, ) My other dog "Gino" is taking it very badly. Dogs have strong love feelings. I can see that! There is an emptyness here, but time will heal us. Hugs...Lois
How sad. So sorry to hear that.
sorry about your beautiful dog!!!
Thank you all, CW friends, Martika, Jean123, OneGoodFind, PCC/Lois, Fortapache, Nutsabotas and Sean.
Kyra and Tango still alive in my memory and through my CW name :-)
I am so sorry to read of your loss of your sweet kyra,it is a painful experience to lose a pet you love and cherish who is also a member of your family.
Betty, you're an angel, thank you for your understanding and warm comment !
Sincere and collective huge thanks to you all 28 lovers, XO
May I ask you who is that pretty lady behind your dog? :)
Oh how sad, kyra, I feel your pain, she looked a beautiful dog, I can't say anything else I feel heartbroken for you. Sending you my love. Xxxxxx
He he Martika! More than 13 years younger... ;-D
Jean, I think she knew how much pain I would feel, and she took the opportunity of my travel to pass.
All is good now, we had a marvelous time life together.
Thank you my friends for your sweet words, XOXO
So sorry to hear about your loss I just saw this post now :-( It is so hard to lose a fur friend . Hugs to you xo
Manikin, thank you soo much for your sweet words and hugs, XOXO dear friend.
I didn't see this thread earlier, what sad news. You lost your doggie, kyratango, I am so sorry. It's terrible when a companion is lost, you are so right, the house isn't the same, it just isn't. Bless her paws in Heaven.
Kath, so much compassion in your comment...
Thank you very much for your love and sweet words...
The house is so empty now, even if Charlie cat is trying to take the place... he looks behind the doors and begs during dinner, still hurrying to the door when hearing the bell!
Sorry to hear about your dog...........its like losing a member of the family for-sure..
So kind of you, and so true......Thank you my dear friend(s) ;-)
Dear Valentino! I know you know how heart breaking it is... thank you so much...
Hope your vacation was great and full of discoveries!
Hugs and kisses back to you :-)
Sorry for your loss.
Beautiful brooch! Wait a lost another member of your family? Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that! Big hugs to you from afar!
I had to put my 22 year old "Tootsie" Pomeranian to sleep last month. I had no other options the condition she was in..Oddly about the same week, my daughter Linda, had to do the same with "Mercy", and my daughter Elaine had to do the same WITH "Mutt"--ALL THEM THEM AGED--bUT HOW STRANGE THEY ALL WENT AT THE SAME TIME. wE ALL SAY THEY ARE IN DOG HEAVEN TOGETHER--tHEY KNEW ONE ANOTHER!!(oops excuse mistaken "caps)
Sorry to hear about your lovely dog!!!
Trey, thank you my friend!
Sue, yes... House is so empty now... thank you for your warm hugs, XOXO.
PCC so sad for your loss.. 22 years is a huge part of your life and so many memories are left, happily!
They all are now a heavenly pack :-)
Thank you for your kind comment and story.
Nicspawee, so touched you take time to visit and leave your kind comment! Thank you:-)
Introducing the last addition to my collection...
Play full screen!
Benny the brown boy, Ella the black girl :-)
Adorable pups:)
Trey! Benny and Ella say BARF and thank you warmly for the compliment :-D
Many thanks to all of you 37 lovers of sweet Kyra and brooch :-)
I went over to your YouTube page and watched your puppies playing. It was very sweet. :)