Posted 9 years ago
(907 items)
This is the same shape as one I posted a while ago. However the vase itself is of ribbed and twisted clear glass and the spatter is blue, green and white with mica inclusions.
In size it's virtually the same as the pink and green one. Also both have traces of white glass in their snapped of pontils.
Height 18 cm./ 7 inches
Thank you, Nutsabotas :)
Wow -- Now that is a piece of Glass!! Amazing these pieces have survived !!
True that, Rose. Most of the JITPs I see have one or the other tip broken off. This is lovely, sklo! :)
antiquerose, I agree and perhaps we should think along those lines a little more and accept the signs of age more readily :)
Katherine - Thank you, and my next post will be my last Kralik JIP, and it does have the tip missing......
what a wonderful couple
Kivatinirz, and always good to have two examples to compare. Thank you.
I Love your JIP's, they look like Triffids on the move. I'd love to come across one.
Vintagefran, thank you and good luck!
Thanks every one for the loves and comments.