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Bronze Star

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (24 items)

    My father durning WWII was awarded this bronze star for perfecting the Norton Bombsight.
    My dad didn't think what he did deserved an award he said, " I don't understand why they want to give this to me -- it was just a 'do-hicky."
    Turns out that 'do-hicky' made it possible for the bombs to hit their intended targets.
    My father was with the 390th Bomb. Sq, he was a trainer and I read the letters he sent home the morning the 8th AF went out. I also read the one he wrote that same evening it said " alot of my friends didn't come back,...... I will never forget any of them...they were all good men."

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      These are the kind of stories that are 'lost to time' write it down, preserve it !
    2. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Good call, Pops. Thanks for sharing it here. Write it down and share it with your VFW and American Legion Posts.
    3. screima, 14 years ago
      My mother in law kept all the letters that dad sent her and I've wanted to write a book thinking it would be very cool to take the letters and use them as a basis for a time line, then to research the actual events that occured on those days. All of the letters dated & are in the original envelopes. I'm not much of a writer but Hell who am I kinding the story has already been written it just need to be put on paper....Thx Pop_abides---

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