Posted 9 years ago
(77 items)
Yard sale purchase from nice elderly couple that said it was a gift from a friend that traveled often around 30 yrs. ago . I'm not so sure on age , the black trim accents look like transfer to me . The vessel is light and you can see thru (see pic 4) , has beautiful vibrant colors in the garments the Immortals wear , love the scene . They 8 Immortals date back to 13th century in Chinese culture but were most popular during the Han Dynasty and in the Taoism religion . Would appreciate any input as to age and the calligraphy written on vase . Thanks for looking !
I have seen similar, not identical, vases and jars attributed to Hong Kong. This one may have had a rounded lid at one time, a la ginger jars. The decoration, also characteristic of Hong Kong, is in imitation of that produced at Jingdezhen, a colorful scene on one side and a prayer or poem on the other, a ring of bats on the shoulder and typical base decoration. You can find an example of a vase on Gotheborg late Chinese under Jingdezhen Zhi Mark 111.
Thank You wexval for the link & comments .
Thanks for the loves Rick55 , racer4four , mikelv85 , blunderbuss2 , robin56 , Hunter, jscott0363 & aura .
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