Posted 9 years ago
(23 items)
Looks like a Welz shape. It has the three clear ribs forming the feet, but there appear to be some differences. Namely the bottom is larger and the feet are smaller than others I have seen. Haven't seen the décor either. It is 3 layers, white, orange, clear with the black applied on top of the clear. it is about 10 inches tall. Is it Welz, or a décor shift from someone else? Not that it helps any, but it is marked very faintly made in Czechoslovakia. Any ideas?
I would be interested in seeing the mark. I do not know if it is Welz or not, and never really use the mark found on their production for ID, but would be interested in seeing it if is possible to get an image of it.
Great example. Not sure I have seen the decor on this shape before.
I tried to get a picture, but is is very faint and smudged. Nothing I tried was visible.
Try in the bright sunlight, at a angle and try a few. Usually one will work out...
Use the "Macro" mode if the camera has one.
There is no macro on my camera. I did try the bright sunlight. It helped me to see it better but the picture was still not good. If it helps any it is made in over the Czechoslovakia. It appears to be an acid stamp that smeared badly when done. Not all the letters are legible.
I have a couple of similar shapes and one similar tadpole or teardrop like this but mine is very painterly, not really like an applied glass gobbet. It would be interesting to know whether you can feel the trail as it goes up the vase, indicating it might have been applied after the moulding (Rindskopf to date in my limited experience on 2 shapes) or whether it is under the outer clear glass layer and can't be felt?
I don't know if these differences make much impact at the moment in other collectors' eyes but I think they are noticeable differences it is worth reporting for comparison.
I usually photograph my bases in my hand as it allows for some light play over the mark, if it is poorly visible.
When you time email me