jimtim » collections



Chattanooga, TN

I am retired and have been collecting "something" for many years. I have many small collections which include: Bohemian art glass, American art glass, Contemporary I am retired and have been collecting "something" for many years. I have many small collections which include: Bohemian art glass, American art glass, Contemporary art glass, American brilliant cut glass, Roseville pottery, Wall pockets, Nippon, Clocks, Carnival glass and tableware made by Cambridge, Fostoria, Morgantown and Heisey. (Read more)


  1. I believe that Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration called this a lighter because, based on the position of the figure and the fact that he is blowing into his cupped hands, this person is trying to light a ...
  2. I know that problem well. Good Luck.
  3. Hi Alan. It is so good to see you back and better. Love the Heckert piece.
  4. Merry Christmas and hope you have a healthy, safe, and very happy New Year
  5. I love these Welz frit pieces. I was just wondering if the small one you said is slightly iridescent has pale lavender iridescent frit? I have a yellow vase with pale lavender iridescent frit and ha...
  6. I have a taller vase like this one and never gave a thought about checking to see if it was UV reactive. The color seems darker than normal for UV reactive glass. So, after reading this, I grabbed my...
  7. The same to you and yours. Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.
  8. Love that another one has been found. I posted mine here about 3 years ago, but your pictures capture the colors better. My pictures came out dark. Harrach also made a decor like this one using th...
  9. It looks like Loetz PN II 251 to me in creta glatt. Great find
  10. Great find. It's always fun to finally find something you have been looking for. Even the metalwork is nice.
  11. I love thorn vases and this one is really beautiful and different. I've never seen a cyclamen flower before either. Congratulations on this find.
  12. Absolutely love this vase. I love the realism in the last picture of the two birds competing over something only they can see.
  13. Happy early birthday!
  14. This might be a little late, but that ball stem with the slits in it is a Cambridge stem.
  15. I know the feeling well. I have a Richardson tulip vase sitting in a glad plastic container just waiting for something to come along so I can make a new creation out of the pieces.
  16. Burnt orange is one of my favorite colors. I love this décor. Congratulations on the find.
  17. Thanks Ales for finding the PN number for me.
  18. good job! love seeing this done, matching different pieces that go so perfectly well together. great combination. they look like they always belonged together.
  19. great piece. colors are wonderful. simply outstanding.
  20. I have one with similar gold decoration, but different shape and I do believe it is Harrach. If you look at Kai's article on Loetz.com you will see he has one listed there also under the Harrach sect...
  21. How very true that rule
  22. I love these vases. I have two with red handles, one with the light blue and one with cobalt, and all are different shapes. I wanted originally to get at least one with each color handle. In case y...
  23. I am very glad you brought this up. I saw the pictures, never in person, of the Weiss Argentan but it never really clicked in my head that the ground color was clear. That would have confused me ev...
  24. I am not that familiar with the subtle differences in the clear glass "colors", but I can only go by what I see in the paper patterns. PN II 188 only lists Arcadia and Candia Glatt amongst numerous o...
  25. I originally thought it was Arcadia, but Deb thought it was Candia Glatt because it does not show the green tint that Arcadia does. I have it sitting in my case next to my Arcadia Dek(still looking f...
  26. Forgot the bottom picture, but it is unsigned and no pontil.
  27. I have the exact vase myself. Very cute little vase unassuming, but stands out in the case next to its more extravagant shelf mates. It is PN 346/365(Neu 243) made for Max Emanuel & Co London.
  28. It looks like a perfect match.
  29. I totally found it by accident looking for one of my own pieces
  30. I may have found the PN number for this piece. I think it is PN II/8081. The paper pattern is missing in the book but it lists this pn number as Ausf 129 in saatgrun made for Neurath & Klein Vienna ...
  31. Wow! I did not realize this is such a rare décor. I will have to take some pictures of mine and post them. Thanks Kai for the info.
  32. I have the exact same vase. I gave up trying to get a picture, they just never came out right. I do agree that the color is brighter and more of a lavender mauve in real life than any picture I took...
  33. Thanks Craig. After I posted this I went back to look at your pink vase again and noticed the yellow one. Somehow the amethyst on yellow did not register in my head when I first viewed it. Got excit...
  34. I do believe that this is Pallme Konig white pink and green threaded.
  35. Sorry about photos. Forgot when I post that I have to turn the camera on its side to get pictures to post upright.
  36. absolutely gorgeous. I've just been sitting here staring at it. can't get enough
  37. There is no macro on my camera. I did try the bright sunlight. It helped me to see it better but the picture was still not good. If it helps any it is made in over the Czechoslovakia. It appears ...
  38. I tried to get a picture, but is is very faint and smudged. Nothing I tried was visible.
  39. See more


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