Posted 4 years ago
(95 items)
There comes a time in every Loetz collector's life, where they break one of their pieces. That day came for me, today. I am so sad that I did this, and such a unique piece too!
Well, I know others who have broken even rarer Loetz glass and will try to take it as it comes. I am one of those people that makes things. Out of anything. Therefore, I resolve to save the pieces and collect other's shards to make a Loetz glass mosaic. If you have any pieces you would be willing to relinquish please let me know.
RIP, Loetz vase. Beautiful even in death.
Speechless but ....
I know the feeling well. I have a Richardson tulip vase sitting in a glad plastic container just waiting for something to come along so I can make a new creation out of the pieces.
Twas a beauty! the bulb part looks intact...surely it can be resuscitated sans legs into something fantastic. I feel for your loss...been there done that.
Yes, LOUMANAL, I could probably have it cut and ground smooth as a small table vase or toothpick holder. I figured a few of you folks would know how this feels...
I feel your pain too Sammyz -- though I'm nobody's 'fine art glass collector', I do also know the feeling of accidentally 'losing' an otherwise pretty old glass thing... :-(
Oh, that hurts! I know the feeling. A few years ago I heard this big bang in the guest room and I knew something bad had happened: A shelf with my most loved glass pieces had collapsed! One vase survived unharmed: My husband bought it for me the day I arrived in Canada. That's destiny:)
Sooo! sorry sammyz..but! I think what you are doing with the pieces is wonderful, still with you but just not in the same form!..
Thanks all! What a bummer.
I feel bad giving this a “love”....a sad occurrence, but it’s still beautiful, even after the untimely demise.
Oh, so sorry! There is nothing worse than the sound of breaking glass in ones collection. I look forward to see the reincarnation of this beautiful piece. However, before you do this, there are glass restorers that do wonderful work. The pieces look all there.
So sorry, Sammyz!
Thanks Whatsearcher. Thanks all. Thanks also Deb, unfortunately there are lots of little pieces that can't be put together.
Oddly enough the top part does fit wonderfully in the silver epergne base from Birmingham, UK!
As you can't repair it a silver epergne seems the ideal solution. It would showcase the still pretty glass perfectly.
Thanks for the consolation sklo42.
I am so sorry, Sammyz. I can't like this post at all. But I'd like to see what you decide to do in the end; I am sure it will be creative.
Hi Michelle! Thanks so much. I will post a pic of it in the antique epergne to see what folks think.