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Take a (Vintage) Trip and never leave the Farm.....Some 1980's transporation pic, etc

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    OKAY, I have been going through old pics as I try to organize stuff ( still after my Move 2 years ago ).....LOL. So found these and I thought I would take you back in time to some MODES OF TRANSPORTATION from the Farm.....etc, and just some of my farm pics.....LOL

    GROUP "A"
    This was my brother 1973 Plymouth Sebring Plus ( from different angles) that was in a lime green color. Went like a Bat out of hell......LOL

    GROUP "B"
    TOP - My brother 650 Kawasaki Motorcycle. Yes he also owned the Sebring too.
    MIDDLE - Lol, My first motorcycle a Suzuki 100 from the side angle. Hey a farm girl needs one too to check on the
    BOTTOM - Back angle of my Suzuki again.........but if you note in the background in my other brother 1972 Dodge Challenger with a 318 in it. He had 2 challenger. This one, and then also a 1971 Dark Green Challenger with a 440 six-pack with a Dana rear-end. Of course I posted what happened to that car. ((((( How can you tell I was Raised with 2 Brothers....LOL ))))

    GROUP "C"
    TOP - I believe this was a 1967 Plymouth VIP in a kinda metal-Flakish brown color. It was in MINT till the [Challenger] brother had an accident with it, and that was the result. It was my Mom and Dad car and was mint. He bought it from them, and then this happened....LOL
    MIDDLE - I think this was the 1975 Dodge Cub Cab pick-up. These were kinda a new thing back then to have little fold-up seats behind the other seats. LOL
    BOTTOM - Of Course every farm need a horse for a mode of Transportation. This was my horse. I got him around 1972, and of couse either used the horse or my little motorcycle to check on the cattle. Of course with the Motorcycle -- I had to USE the back roads as I was not 16 yet. He was sure a Nice, tame, well behaved horse!! Miss him too... RIP

    GROUP "D"
    TOP - The good old John Deere has to BE GREEN on the Farm...LOL
    MIDDLE - A grain elevator picture I took at a sunset. This are a dying item now as they used to be everywhere. Now less and less of them are seem
    BOTTOM - Just another pic I took at the farm and how the sun and crops mean so much

    HOPE you enjoyed your visit and some of the OLD PHOTOS I found that showed another time era............Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Excellent! Mopar Rules!!
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Love these pics, gotta get a sebring !
    3. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      My first bike was a Yamaha 100 like this, i love the pictures Ross.
    4. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      My very first car was a Plymouth Sport Fury. Silver with red interior & landau top. My mom had a Valiant for years, slant 6 & push button transmission!
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Gee, I never realized how many wheels we had back in the day. Grew up with the Brothers Muscle Cars. Those really went ZOOM ~ ZOOM !!

      Hope you love the cluster of pics......LOL
    6. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      Rose is bad @r$e. :) In the best way!!
      Love this!!
    7. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      Great pics Rosie! Like Iggy, I was a Mopar fan too...
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      Rick55 --> Thanks my friend Rick!! Where did those days go!! Memories !!
      OneGoodFind --> LOL, and don't you forget that!! Just kidding....LOL
      PhilDMorris --> Thanks Phil, Get one and will get together to burn some Rubber!
      iggy --> Thanks for the comment!! Lots of MUSCLE there in a few pics !!

      ...@ Caperkid --> Aww, thanks for the comment !!!!

      ... @ Celiene --> Thanks for that info. My cousin had one of those with the push button Tranny. They WERE NEAT !!!!
    9. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 9 years ago
      Vroom Vroom Rose mobile

      Have a great day

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