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Shawnee owl cookie jar

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (107 items)

    This cookie jar measures 11 1/2" tall and is known as the "Winking Owl" by Shawnee Pottery. This was an excellent buy at an antique store during my travels to south Texas. It is marked "U.S.A." on the bottom. This cookie jar probably dates from the 1940's and 1950's.

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    1. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      WANT! So adorable!
    2. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      I have this same one! My grandmother always kept it on the counter with cookies in it. My aunt got it when she died. .but many years later she gave it to me. Now i have the joy of having it on top the cupboards looking down at us. Also recently my aunt picked up the dalt and pepper shakers that match it! Curious what you may have paid? I heard they go for around $150.. not that id ever part with mine.
    3. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 8 years ago
      Hi, Lamplover...
      The vendor had this cookie jar for $39.00. The lady at the antique store called the seller for me. The vendor agreed to take an additional 20% off. I got this piece for $31 .00 plus change. Like the saying goes..."it never hurts to ask."
    4. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      That's a great deal! I've been looking for one to give my aunt. .because she truly loved it as well. . But she wouldn't be happy if i spent a lot.. so I've kinda give up on that for now. . She bought the salt and pepper shakers to match. . But gave those to me as well! Love it! thanks for sharing!
    5. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the "love it" click, Cerulean!!
    6. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 7 years ago
      Thank you, buckethead!!
    7. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Such a cutie!
    8. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the love tap and comment.... Newfld. Btw.... has anyone ever referred to you as “Jenni from the block?”
    9. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Ha, actually it has happened a few times TimeT, although it's ultra flattering as my only resemblance to J-lo is that we're brunettes (when she isn't coloring) and she's a bit petite tho' I'm shorter. However, can't dance to save my life lol!
    10. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 7 years ago
      Thanks, Brunswick for stopping by!! I appreciate it!!
    11. TimeTraveller TimeTraveller, 6 years ago
      Thank you.... Sinnomore!! Thank you.... hunterqlee!!

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