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Late 1940's Early 1950's Hires Root Beer Bottle 6-Pack

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Cola and Pop Bottles525 of 567Some misc bottles.Mohr Bros. toledo Bottle
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (171 items)

    Here is an item that some of you bottle and advertising collectors may enjoy. It is a Hires Root Beer 6-pack carton from the late 1940's to early 1950's I believe. I found it at a flea market. First time heading out to look for things last Spring I believe.

    The three bottles on the right with all of them being displayed are from the early to mid 1950's and the three on the left are from the late 1940's. They include a variety of variations and all are bottled under the authority of The Charles E. Hires Co. Philadelphia PA.

    Thank you for looking as always my friends. Take care and have an awesome Sunday! Peace.... : )

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    1. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      I appreciate you swingin by cocacolakid. Thanks for checking in and enjoying this item...
    2. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Hey VintageT. Thank you for passing by and liking this item. Have a great night! : )
    3. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Hey vintagemad. Thanks for stopping by and enjoying this post. Also VikingFan thanks for throwing the Hires Root Beer bottles some love! : ) Have a great night!
    4. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Thank you officialfuel. Have a great weekend my friend!
    5. Brian, 14 years ago
      Any idea the value on these bottles?
    6. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Thank you bigblock, oilman, and metalman for the love! I appreciate it.
    7. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Brian I am not exactly sure to be honest....
    8. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Yeah apparently so AR8Jason. Look what I started... ; )
    9. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Yes indeed you did AR8. You won this round, but I'll get ya next time.... : )
    10. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Well..hmmm..first I have to find them....I will get on that...lickety split.... ; )
    11. kerry10456 kerry10456, 14 years ago
      Oh no, not Roswell stories, lol. Sorry had to add something guys, Both of you have a great night.
    12. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      You as well kerry...peace....

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