Posted 9 years ago
(436 items)
Got this large old spelter deer a while ago...
He is an anatomically correct boy :-))
Just in need of new antlers...
Size now:
Length 7"
Height 5.1/4"
Weight 365 grams.
Found silvered pot metal antlers in beads supply eBay shop and had to cut the ring at the end and curve them (they were flat) to give a natural shape.
Kyratisation in next post ;-D
Yep. Due for Kyratising.
2 minutes should do's easy you know! Just bend this, stick that, a bit of paint, some patina, no-one will ever know.
We can all do it! ....................not
Lol! Yes if I can, you can! ;-))
Just painted antlers in white with some cigarette ashes as undercoat for patina, waiting them to dry...
Thank you Karen!
He is so lovely and is going to be great with new antlers....can't wait to see!
Ready to be seen, Judy!
Thank you for your interest in Bambi's Daddy ;-)
Sometimes they could make a spelter piece a work of art just as well as bronze. This piece is absolutely breathtaking in detail. So beautiful Kyra, love it.
Items like these are just among my favorites!! He's wonderful!
kyra, I love this and love your projects!
Phi, Scott, Vintagelamp, thank you so much for your warm and enthousiastics comments, I'm very grateful for your loves too, all 22 deer lovers ;-))
You are amazing that you know just the right thing to do with what you have.
Can you see my green envy?
Very nice. :)
Mwa ha ha! OGF, green is my favorite color ;-))
Thanks a lot for such a compliment!
where did my moose go love the work you did on this...;-)
So sad your moose disappeared....
Thank you my friend for your kind comment! :-)
lol.... so am I was having fun with it ...smiling