Posted 9 years ago
(1021 items)
Hello CW friends!!
As many of you already know, I also have a collection of antique top hats and cases. Today, we have my double top hat carrying case. It's made of leather and would have carried two top hats, of course. It's beautifully lined with red satin, as most of them were back then.
This one is from the late 1800's period. Back in the day, ladies and gentlemen traveled with their elaborate hats packed separately as hats were a very important part of their daily dress. This one still has the initials of the gentleman who originally owned this.
Though the leather has aged over the years, it's still very supple. And, considering it's age, this one is still in very nice condition. It's the only double top hat carrier that I have in my collection. There are triple top hat carrying cases out there and I plan to add one of those my collection in the coming years.
I'll be posting some more of my top hats and cases in the coming weeks.
Thanks for stopping and having a look!!
What a great looking case Scotty.
Thanks Roy!!
I have many, in my collection, that are similar, but this is the only double carrier that I own. Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in. Always appreciated my friend!!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!
Very nice!
It is a beautiful case Scott! Look forward to seeing more of your collection!!!
Very cool jscott! Must have been owned by a very fashionable fellow to require not one, but two top hats! I love containers...not the plastic we use today, but the boxes and trunks , cases and fabric bags of yesteryear! Thank you for sharing! Mary
Thanks so very much!! Thanks also for the appreciation and for stopping by. Always a true pleasure!
Thanks very much for the lovely comment! I have about a dozen, or more, antique top hats and cases. I've posted several over the past couple of years and will be posting several more in the coming weeks. Thanks for the love and for stopping by. Always a real pleasure to have you drop in and comment!
Thanks very much!! It seems that ladies and gentlemen both were a bit vain back in the day. They traveled with hat boxes/cases, collar and cuff cases, not to mention the many trunks they used. Fascinating for me to have these items in my possession and learning the history behind these items. Lots of fun! Thanks for the love and for stopping in to comment. Always a true pleasure!!
Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in my friend! Hope all is well with you.
Thanks very much for the loves and for stopping in
Always very truly appreciated!!!
Amazing case Scott, from the grand old days!
Yes, this is most definitely from the grand ole days when the main transportation was horse and buggy! Thanks so very much for the comment, the appreciation and for stopping by. Always a real pleasure!
Thanks so very much for the appreciations and for taking time to stop by
All very much appreciated!!!!
A bit late for the Derby !! ?? !!
Yep, vetraio50! But hey, there's always next year:)
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for taking the time to stop by. Always sincerely appreciated!!!
So very cool. :) You are amazing at this.
That is quite the nice case.
Thanks so much! Just a good cleaning and conditioning of the leather and this one was completed. Thanks for the love and for stopping by. Always truly appreciated!
Thanks fortapache for the comment and appreciation! I do certainly appreciate it!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!
Thank you so much for the love! Glad you like my top hat case. Thanks also for stopping by. Always a pleasure to see you drop by!!
Ha, there was no luggage weight limitation then... And they had many maids and domestics too... (sigh... old great times, lol)
Beautiful, as all your cases!
Thank you!!! You're absolutely right. Most folks traveled with multiple trunks and cases and many traveled with their personal servants to take care of all of these items for them. A grand period of time for sure. But, those were still difficult times, i'm sure, and I'm truly thankful for all the conveniences and luxuries that we all enjoy on a daily basis today. Thanks very much for the love and for stopping in. Always such a pleasure!!!
Hey Scott,really great find wondering if this one is english.That lock is pretty unique. Always nice to see your
posts as we always get a neat view into the past.
Really great to see hear from you again! You're spot on my friend! I bought this one from a seller in Great Britain. So yes, I will assume this is definitely English. Thanks for the appreciation and the comment! I got your Craigslist listing a short while ago. I'll check it out shortly. Thanks again!!
Nice hat box on Craigslist. A bit pricey, but nice! Thanks again!!
Thanks very much for the appreciations and for stopping by
Very sincerely appreciated!!!
Thought it was pricey,but you never know.I figured you would appreciate it, as top hats are your thing.Been busy as of late. I'll stay on the look out for you when I can.
Who knows maybe i'll find a triple for you.
Thanks Drill! I found a triple, but I wasn't willing to pay the $1000 asking price! I'm gonna be posting several more cases and hats in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out. I think you'll like those as well! Take care buddy!
Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!
I didn't know there were double hat boxes, thank-you for sharing this information. The case is beautiful!
Thanks very much!! Not only are there double top hat cases, but triples as well. Still waiting to add a triple to my existing collection of top hats, cases and hat trunks. I have a triple top hat case, but it's from 1930 though. Thanks very much for the love and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!!!
Thank you kivatinitz for the love and for stopping by. Always sincerely appreciated!!!
I'll have to keep my eye out for a double or triple!
The doubles are a bit cheaper than the triples. The really nice triples, that I want, seem to always be going for $700 and up. I'll find mine eventually. Thanks again for dropping by!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for taking time to stop by. Always such a pleasure to have you drop by!!
Thanks very much for the loves and for stopping by
Always very truly appreciated!!!!
Very nice box Scott! I can practically feel the softness of that beautiful leather!
Hi Scott, I absolutely adore these leather hat cases.
Thanks so very much! I must agree that this one is a really nice one. Took a lot of cleaning and conditioning, but worth it in the end. Thanks for the love and for stopping by.
Thanks! I have quite a passion for them myself. Thanks for the wonderful comment and for stopping by.
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for taking time to stop by. Very much appreciated!!!
Thanks so very much for the love and for stopping by. Always so good to see you stop in.
Wow!!! ..gorgeous thing..loooove the inside..and beautiful leather...:-)
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment!!! Thanks also for the love and for stopping in. So very sincerely appreciated!!!!
Thanks so very much for the appreciation and for taking time to stop by. Always very much appreciated!!!!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping by. Always appreciated!!
Thank you all very much for the loves and for stopping in!!!