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Vintage Licio Zanetti glass fish sculpture

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Tahiti1's loves893 of 963Yard Sales Find 3 of 10, Murano Centre Piece Bowl, Circa 1950-60Beauty has arrived today.
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (39 items)

    Licio Zanetti is world-renowned for his Murano glass sculptures. Zanetti Vetreria Artistica was founded in 1956 by the glassmaster Oscar Zanetti and his son Licio. The furnace quickly distinguished itself for the artistic quality of master Licio Zanetti's glass sculptures, and soon took its place among the most prestigious companies on Murano. This particular piece is quite heavy with the fish sitting on a round base. The fish itself has beautiful controlled layers of opalescent glass.
    15' high
    12' length
    2.5' width
    globe is 5' in diameter

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Can you take a pic of it with dark mat under it and behind it to show up better? Also a pic of the base///any wear/// any signatures or anything?

    2. HauteLookresale HauteLookresale, 9 years ago
      Actually it's in very good condition, there's no marking anywhere.
      I do have a picture of the base, will post. Thank you
    3. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Love dolphins and he looks like a beauty !
    4. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      Looks like a Zanetti Murano piece.
    5. HauteLookresale HauteLookresale, 9 years ago
      DizzyDave, you're a genius. It is, I checked
    6. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      :) You Welcome

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