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the most beautiful car i've seen!

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Cars640 of 17671980 Harley Davidson Golf CartHaven't got a Clue what Grandad has here...
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (5053 items)

    i saw this at the gas station near my house the other day and had to take a pic. it was very beautiful! i think it's a Caddie from around 1967/8. both sets of my grandparents had these cars, but never as shiny as this baby!

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Agree...Gorgeous car Ho2..I believe it's a 1959 Buick Electra convertible. :)
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      It's gorgeous! I didn't find a Caddy convertible with this body design, however.
    3. Peterdrury Peterdrury, 9 years ago
      thats bigger than my house!
    4. Recordmantime, 9 years ago
      it's a hum dinger ...smiling
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      thanks everyone! obviously, i don't know much about cars, but i sure wish this one were mine!!
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Wow!! What a beauty!
    7. pops52 pops52, 9 years ago
    8. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Beautiful car:)

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