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Duesenberg pedal race car.

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    I would like some help to identify this unusual pedal car. I almost think it is a one of a kind. It was bought on e bay with no history, in primer and did not have pedals, seat or windshield. The body is fiberglass and the frame is 7 layer plywood, 7/8 of an inch thick bent to follow the body curve. The front axle is cast aluminum with DUSENBERG cast in the axle. The castings that hold the 4 springs are also cast aluminum. The wheels are 13" in diameter with soft rubber tires made in 2 pieces and glued together to form a round tire. There are raised letters on each tire that say AJAX TIRES 30 X 5. The knock off hubs are solid polished brass with the number 8 in the center. The steering wheel is 4 spoke made from 1/4 in. thick brass and a dark wood for the rim. Approximate dimensions: L 54" W 28" H 30". I added the pedals, seat and windshield. Thanks for any information, Gerry

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    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      so what are We solving on this? lol
    2. Recordmantime, 9 years ago
      So you need to rework or restate your question I think,.. so it make scenes to me just what you want to know ...?
    3. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      Sorry, I got someone on CW also looking along with me, trying to figure this one out? Fiberglass body throwing me??
    4. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      Im wondering if its a Replica Peddle Car Kit?
    5. Recordmantime, 9 years ago
      was thinking the same but dont know enough about peddle cars ...but we have a few people in the room who collect them,... time will tell
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 9 years ago
      Somebody went to a lot of trouble, commercial or 1 of a kind ! Were the mounts already there & you just had to add peddles ? I'm confused along with Dizzy about the fiberglass. (Of course, I spend a lot of my time in a confused state !). I know absolutely nothing about peddle cars, but then things jump out at me here.
    7. wgwmsdusey, 9 years ago
      I have looked at the internet several times to try see pictures of the pedal car and looking if there was a kit someone made??
      It was all there except for the pedals, seat and windshield. You are right that someone went to a lot of trouble to make this and had to have ways of casting metal.
      The fiberglass body mold even has rivet heads like the old racer bodies were riveted together.
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 9 years ago
      I think it's great. So, the fiberglass mold was made over an orig. body. That's interesting. So we know there's more than one.

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