Posted 9 years ago
(1017 items)
Are those Guinea Pigs? There's no name on the print anywhere, and nothing at all comes up on an Image search. "Guinea pigs in the garden painting/print" brings up a variety of images, but not this one.
The bottom edge of the print is flush with the frame, so there's nothing being hidden below the frame.
I've seen those old mid-century prints with kids, clowns leaning on a lamp post, scruffy teens and whatnot, but never one with this subject matter.
Added a close up photo of the texture.
Speak right up if you have a clue, because I sure don't!
Very nice! To me, it has an asian feel...
Are you sure it is a print? On pic#3 paper seems to have some texture...
Thanks, Thomas!
kyra - added a close up for you. Yes, it does have an oriental feel to it.
Ah yes, I can see the dots :-)
Bzz Bzz dear Jedi!
I really love this!! Nice find!!
Certainly very sweet and lovely :)
Awe, cute, cute! Great deal too!!
I really love this too Bonnie!!!
I thank Guinea Pigs thank you....the buuuuuuugs thank you....