Posted 9 years ago
(103 items)
I thought this was just an amateur piece by some hobbyist until I searched on the web! There are many carvings done by this artist (on worthpoint too!) but I can't find any information on the person, not sure of gender either?
And I found it in a garden shed!!
That's really a great carving!
Hi there. Yes he was a real person. He was a family friend. His name was frank rentz. If you want more information let me know. I have lots of his original works
I remember being a little girl when i went to his work shops.
That would be very interesting, thank you.
If you want you can email me?
Cheers, Nigel. 0402119757
Bigmancz please email me more info on this artist F. Rentz at
I saw on the collectors weekly website that you knew and had information about the Australian wood carver, F. Rentz. I live in Minnesota and recently purchased a relief carving by F. Rentz. I would like to know more about F. Rentz and am hoping that you can share what you know about the artist. I love the carving I purchased. It is a scene of aborigines hunting kangaroos with a spear and throwing clubs. Any information that you could share regarding the artist would be very appreciated.
If you have read the comments you'll note I've asked Bigmacnz for the info she offered but I have never heard back? I've just relied on google
The carving is very well done and brings back good memories. I read a book on the construction of the bridge when I was living in Sydney in the 1980's. This is quite an engineering feat. Inspired by the Hell's gate bridge in New York.
Hi there. Sorry. I didnt get anything to say there were questions on here
Ok. The picture of what you have is a copy. If it has felt on the back. It will either be plaster or resin. Originals have the wood back. And are now starting to be worth a lot if money. And i have 7 Originals in my posession. 2 of which are commisioned works for my mother and grand mother. Also a bowl. And a pen holder..
His name was Fritz Rentz some called him frank. He lived in NSW ORIGINALLY from Germany.
If i figure out how to send a photo of what an original looks like. I will try and add it
Also if you go search ebay right now there are a couple of originals for sale. Not mine. And look at the originals. Then look at the others. You can see the difference between the original and a tourist shop copy. Some look real. But the resins etc are very clever. He carved through the 50’s to around the early 80’s. Cant really remember much. As i was a little girl. And most of my family have passed away
Most of his works had casts made. So they could be replicated for the tourist trade