Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
Would love to hear from collectors as to what this is. I rode it as a child 45 years ago, and it was old back then. Its a bike that is propelled by back forth motion with the handle and steered with your feet. I have never found anything else like it so hope I can hear from others who may have a better idea.
An Irish mail cart.
I have seen several on this site, but this is the coolest tricycle version I have seen on CW !! Welcome to collectors weekly !~
Phil, I thought I was on CyberAsylum ! Can you point me in the right direction to get back there ? LOL ! Ah, this is an FNG ! Welcome to CW !
Thanks guys - I think you are right! I have now found some somewhat similar items and even some ads of what these sold for back in the day. So excited! Thanks for your help.
No problem, Mon.
Funny I posted on this with a link to Irish Carts mins after it was put on CW? What they do erase it??
I think what happened Dizzydave was they removed one of my posts. I had put it in two categories since I wasn't sure what it was. They deleted the other post and I think that is where you had commented.
I might like to add that *just always adding* a link to another site -- might have a bit of a down-fall here on CW. As we all know over time some links go away, and that info is then lost. Nice if a person uses a link -- to also quote info from that link so the info (at least) says here if those links go bye-bye over time. A bunch of links in a reply without some detail ( quotes ) about the answer would be better. If ya get what I mean.
I have to remember that myself too !!!
Both were provided.
Okay -- maybe I did not see it. Just wanted to point out a FYI as some old CW post with just links have no info now. So chit does happen over the net in goes >>> POOF <<<<
I have noticed a lot of double even triple post on same item lately. I bet BB2 had something to do with it anyways.... anything goes wrong today for anyone, blame it on BB2, why should We all feel bummed! lmao :))
If the whole world net collapses, a good bet is, BB2 pressed the wrong buttons !