Posted 9 years ago
(145 items)
After seeing the cool Caravelle space age alarm clock that Antiquerose posted I remembered that I had these ones.
The alarms work on both but they don't keep time - I should have someone look at them to see if they can be brought back to life.
Marked on the front Big Ben Westclox Made in Canada, on the back General Time Corporation RD 1964 Canada
These are so cool!!!!! Very retro looking.
Just love these clocks - nice to see your colours !
Thanks for all the loves folks!
Thanks jscotto363, nusabotas6 and PhilDMorris - yes, even though they don't work they still look cool!
Loooooooooooooooooooooooooove them !! And Thanks for the plug on mine too !! I think yours are worth seeing if they can be fixed....might be something simple.
The Design is just soooooooooooo cool !!
This is a wonderful pair Courtney! Great shape, nice chrome and cool colors!