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Chinese Cinnabar Bracelet

In Fine Jewelry > Ethnic Jewelry > Show & Tell and Asian > Cinnabar > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity13 of 26Chinese Cinnabar BroochOrganic Lacquer Cinnabar Snuff Bottle
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (31 items)

    This is a silver-plated brass filigree bracelet with cinnabar panels, probably dating back to 1920-1945. The filigree work is very intricate although some of the silver plate is rubbing off leaving the brass exposed. Some of the panels are a bit loose, and one has been glued back in at some point causing some staining on the metal.

    It's marked "CHINA" on the back so clearly made for export. The "China" mark indicates that it is brass that has been silver plated rather than solid silver, but you can clearly see the brass showing through on the inside from wear. Thanks for looking!

    (see explanation on my other cinnabar post here:

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    1. wexval, 9 years ago
      The symbol reads 'Happiness'.
    2. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      It is a really nice bracelet Pebble!!!
    3. pebble pebble, 9 years ago
      Thank you wexval, I've been wondering about that. Maybe I should wear it all the time! Thanks for the lovely comment too TassieDevil.
      Thanks also for everyone else who took the time to look and love.
    4. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago

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