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Organic Lacquer Cinnabar Snuff Bottle

In Bottles > Snuff Bottles > Show & Tell and Asian > Cinnabar > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity14 of 26Chinese Cinnabar BraceletFaux Asian Treasures / Cinnabar Box, Ivory Cuff Links, and Ivory Ear Rings/Circa 20th Century
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (177 items)

    This is my first "real" cinnabar bottle. The bottle was formed on a metal base - it appears to be bronze and has a good bit of patina. I know the base is all the way through the bottle because I used my rare earth magnet on it and it stuck everywhere. The reason I say that is because a lot of the plastic bottles on the market just have a bit of metal at the top and bottom and were not formed on a metal base. You can also see the metal at the base where the cinnabar has unfortunately cracked, showing the base bottle beneath.

    The bottle is not in the best shape. In places it looks like the lacquer has melted, and in other places you can see how worn it is.

    Organic lacquer is formed from a natural resin. The most common source is the sap of the so-called lacquer or lac tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum), which grows in central and eastern Asia. Once removed from the tree, the sap hardens when exposed to air.

    On this bottle I can see the layers of the lacquer in the cuts and can see concentric rings in the angled cuts.

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    1. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      Another beauty in your amazing collection!
    2. cshapiro cshapiro, 8 years ago
      Thanks very much bijoucaillouvintage!
    3. grendel67, 8 years ago
      I have to complement you on your collection you have some very nice snuff bottles. I have a small collection maybe a dozen I have picked up along the way. I will have to post some of them .
    4. cshapiro cshapiro, 8 years ago
      Thanks grendel67! I look forward to seeing yours
    5. Master Master, 8 years ago
      Amazing piece the tree that they use is related to the poison ivy .
    6. cshapiro cshapiro, 8 years ago
      Thanks Master - was just looking at your collection. You have some beautiful cloisonne vases!
    7. Master Master, 8 years ago
      Thanks very much for your lovely comments be collecting for a bought 10 years .have not came across any recent

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