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Photographs4849 of 5188HorsesMothers Day Pictures
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (127 items)

    This may not be a "collectible", but it is now my most treasured item. This is my grandmother back in the day. My Mom just sent this to me and I absolutely love it! Thought ya'll might get a kick out of it too...

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    The Faithful Hound Sixth Plate Ambrotype Boy and Dog Union Case Photograph
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    ORIGINAL Abraham Lincoln Civil War Carte-de-Visite CDV by Anthony / Brady #O-60
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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      What a looker!
    2. vintagemad vintagemad, 14 years ago
      I want those shoes!
    3. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Extraordinarily handsome ...
    4. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thanks everybody! I'm glad you enjoyed it--and I thought the same thing vintagemad :)
    5. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Appreciate it olegaclockman47!
    6. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thanks AR8Jason; I think Granny would be tickled by all the love!!
    7. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thanks SpunkysMom!
    8. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      Are you serious Goodolddays? You're lucky that's not my grandma you're talking about.
    9. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      I really wish only trackable members could post comments! And for the record, she would have NEVER wasted her time on trash like goodolddays!!
    10. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      It seems the site has recently been found by some folks trying to cause problems. At least you can delete the offending posts.
    11. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      Agreed. Delete them fast. It doesn't seem like the type of site that would attract people like that.
    12. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Very true scottvez. I also sent an email to site support asking if there is a setting to prevent this type of thing that I have not come across. Who knows, maybe they are working on something for this problem. For now, the delete button will work just fine :)
    13. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      I'll email as well.

      If enough of us do, they may changed the rules and force a registration in order to post.

    14. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
    15. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Nice Risqué photo for the time.
    16. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Granny always was a risk taker!
    17. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      I agree with you guys. I think that if you are not registered you shouldn't be able to post. That's the way it is on another collectibles site i frequent and it works great.
    18. Grendelking Grendelking, 14 years ago
      Very pretty. Vintage photographs are cool in my opinion.
    19. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      These 'off-site' posters have been a bane of mine for a while now, many show up with misleading, even False information I too wish everyone had to register to comment...Sure we gripe at each other but we really mean no harm....
    20. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Recommend that all posters email the CW site and express you opinions about site registration to them.

    21. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      I agreed, everyone e-mail
    22. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      I received a response from the site and they basically said that they have been getting a lot of emails about this issue. They seem to suggest that anyone can post so that it encourages involvement (and repeat traffic, I'm sure) but did notice the suggestion of allowing each member to have a setting that controls who can post comments to their items. I love this site, so I will continue to delete as needed, but really hope that they consider the wishes of their regular visitors/posters. And yes, I am sure Granny is thoroughly enjoying all of the drama aroud her!
    23. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      I also got a response from all those harassing posts I had on one of my listings. They said that person has been harassing many members and they're keeping a close eye on him. They asked me to please report any inappropriate or harassing comments. I suggest everyone else do the same.
    24. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      I also got a response basically they don't know what to do, it seems to me that the posters keep changing names......getting really discouraged.
    25. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Awww, don't get too discouraged Pop_abides! Even with their nasty comments, I have seen some really GREAT things listed on this site. They want to ruin our fun- don't let em!!!!
    26. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      I have a picture like this of one of my aunts . I think it was taken sometime in the late 30's to early 40's . It must have been the in thing back then to pose like this .
    27. halo55, 14 years ago
      I love the old photos. Thanks for posting.
    28. walksoftly walksoftly, 14 years ago
      I love the vintage photos, they had class.
    29. thriftfan thriftfan, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the comments and loves!

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