Posted 9 years ago
(3475 items)
Still yet another item I have had for years but never researched until I decided to post it. Apparently it is an Austrian Model 1870 bayonet, the shortened version. The long version is 27 inches long. This one has a 18" long blade.
This is the Yataghan style sword bayonet. The blade curves downward. According to my research there is a site called Collectors Weekly with such characters as battlegear, Chrisnp and blunderbuss2 where the merits of the Yataghan style blade was discussed. The conclusion is that it was a bit heavy and nit a useful design which seems a reasonable conclusion.
The idea was that it would be a good chopping weapon. But a bayonet at the end of a rifle in unwieldy. Other research with which I familiar revealed chopping caused few fatalities and that stabbing causes the most damage. In the long ago battlefields and casualties would be inspected to see which weapons were more effective.
wow!! great find!!
Whichever is more effective, ~ chopping or stabbing, ~ I'm sure either would hurt like heck! [;>)))
Troops were loathe to use bayonets for obvious reasons. There are instances where they refused. It was a code between soldiers & the officers were aware of it & would order there use only in extreme situations. "You don't use them on us & we won't use them on you. OK !"
Thank you very much SEAN68.
Thank you very much NevadaBlades. The idea is to ummmm incapacitate. That is the term they use now.
Thank you very much bb2. My grandfather fought in WWI and apparently they had trouble getting them to shoot at each other sometimes. You don't shoot at us we don't shoot at you. Then a higher up officer would get involved.
Thank you
Fort, troops had to often be moved to different sections because of fraternization. These incidences sometimes bordered on mutiny. The troops in the trenches realized that they were all killing each other with no apparent gain, even if the politicians didn't.
Thank you Manikan.
And thank you again BB2. I had heard something like that.