Posted 9 years ago
(256 items)
I have seen this bowl for sale and admired it for literally about two years...and when it was suddenly very much discounted last week, I grabbed it! :) It just arrived today, and I am excited to share it. I have suspected for a long time that this bowl may have been made by Kralik, based on the 'punched' type of handles, as well as the overall bowl shape - it is about 10" across by 8" wide. I love the organic form of this piece. Anyway, I have always called it 'the cabbage leaf' in my head, and showed pictures of it to a friend a few days ago. I have to thank them, since they said it reminded them very much of Kralik's 'Gloria' decor, but without the applied glass petals. I then looked at quite a few Kralik 'Gloria' examples, and do agree that they have a lot of similarities. Does anyone else think it could be a 'Gloria' variant?
Fantabulas!!!!!!!... well done Michelle it is just beautiful...what's the saying??..those who wait???..:-)))
Thank you so much, inky - I was very lucky on this one!! :)
Nice one !
I could't have resist 2 years for this one, very nice....
I take a long break on Bohemian Glass, the other day, I make the mistake to go on the auction site, guess what happen, I hope you will love it, should arrived next week from England.
Aaaaaah, this must be one of, if not the loveliest piece of glass you ever bought!
I personally like "Cabbage Leaf". :-) The organic aesthetic of this one is really outstanding.
Thank you, Mac!
Thanks, Alan! I will keep an eye out for your latest prize, too! :)
Thanks so much, Craig. It will always be 'Cabbage Leaf' to me. ;)
Peggy, that is a really huge compliment! Thank you very, very much!
Most probably Kralik, shape number 3688 according to a product sheet from around 1905. It may have had a mount originally.
Hi Volkmar, I am curious as to the source of the production sheet you are referencing? Thanks.
Volkmar, thank you very much! I really appreciate your input. I'd love to see a picture of the product sheet - I didn't know any existed!
Product sheet? Glasfreund, please share.
Outstanding piece.
Wow22, are you in the Facebook Art Glass Collectors group? Anyone can join; Volkmar posted the page there for everyone to see. If you aren't on FB, I can email you a copy of the image.
Lettuce bow down and worship you!
Too funny, ho2cultcha! ;)
Oh wow Michelle, I missed this one. It has a fantastic shape, great colors and beautiful texture!
Thanks so much, Rick! I am glad you like it!