Posted 9 years ago
(120 items)
Reposting this item with a hopefully very clear photo of the etched signature. First time posted a helpful reply identified that it has a signature which I hadn't detected. Looks like MIHULA? What do you think? Perhaps Czech glass then? Can anyone identify further origins of this great piece of HEAVY glass? 3 3/4" x 3 3/4" ... 4 1/2" height. Polished top rim. BEVELED bottom four "feet". Hoping to identify maker, glass company, specific artist etc. THANKS EVERYONE!!!
I think it reads Mikula - Michael Mikula.
Thanks Ivonne ... you solved the mystery on this one! I really appreciate it! Indeed some are pictured on the artist's website. It is a vessel called a "Cube Cup
Votive". Great to know. Wow what a gifted glass artist he is; his larger works are really amazing!
You're welcome :-)
Great job Ivonne.
Nice chunk of glass, love it.
Woohoo Ivonne!
It's a cool piece Joey!
Thanks for your comments :-)