Posted 9 years ago
(230 items)
Picked up these signs last Sunday at Garage Sale Day at our local Antique Center. Courier Express morning paper started in 1926 and ended in 1982 in Buffalo NY. The No Golfing sign is very heavy and embossed and probably came from a county Park. The Snapper sign is embossed and dated 1979, I spent many years selling and fixing Snappers and still use an old Snapper mower 1980.
Lov3 the no golfing sign not many around.
Specially love the no golfing too :-)
Need one for my garden, lol!
Wow great signs !
Like the NO GOLFING sign best, too. Think I'll make one for my tiny Xeriscape yard here in Vegas made entirely of decorative rocks!!! [;>)
Your right Nicefice, I'm still using my 21" self propelled variable speed Snapper from the early 80's. thanks!
Thanks Caperkid, its the 1st one I've seen for sale!
That's funny kyratango! Caddyshack! LOL
Thanks Manikin! Allways good to hear from you :<)
I hate the No Golfing sign!!!! ;0)
Ha funny Daddy_Nobucks :^) I was thinking today would have been a good day to go Golfing, I should have!
Thanks NevadaBlades, do you have golf balls landing in your yard?
Glad you like this charmsomeone!
Thanks for looking and lovin this kingshawn, PhilDMorris and wickencrafts!
glad you love this to gargoylecollector!
Thanks ravage60, Manikin and sugargirl, glad you love this to :)