Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
I have no idea what it is or where it originally came from, but I added this to my collection of old things over the weekend. It was in the attic of an acquired property in Southeastern, VA. Any help identifying would be great. The gold tassels are very soft like satin and that red material appears to be velvet. Looks to be brass hardware and nails. The pull out drawers are in the top barrel portion and bottom is wide open for storage. I have no idea who the photo is of at all. Thank you for any help in identifying.
Looks like a Barrel top trunk from around the 1890's that was later decorated by an owner. The red velvet and tassels was a later addition -- almost looks like it may have been used by a guild of some kind. Kinda funky...
The photo is a typical lithograph used in trunks -- there were many to choose from and they often were simply decorative in nature.
Thank you "trunkman" for your responses. It was the tassels and velvet throwing us off all along as I thought that might be what makes it unique, but didn't expect so much so to see they were added. After reading your comment I looked a bit closer and realized the nails used to secure the tassels are not like what appears to be the original brass nails in the actual trunk itself. My husband suggested gypsies, or even a circus, but hadn't thought about a guild. This is our first trunk acquisition and I guess i would just like to know more about where it's been. I was more interested in researching this woman and learning her story as though I felt it was owed to her upon finding this trunk stuffed in an attic and abandoned. Thanks so much for reaching out to me. I'm certainly glad I hadn't planned on trying to resell it or anything. I'm kind of disappointed to learn it's been "altered" somewhere along the lines. Maybe I'll just change the tassels and velvet to my favorite colors. Hehehe. :).