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Richards and Hartley or Adams & Co. or later U.S. Glass VASELINE GOBLET

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Vaseline Glass394 of 852Fenton vaseline bowlGlassware given to a friend from an estate sale.
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (436 items)

    My glass references talk about a THOUSAND EYE Plain Stem goblet in Vaseline as being made by Richards and Hartley and the Adams & Co. goblet having three knobs. Is this goblet a later issue by U.S. Glass and did they make it with this one knob on the stem? The Goblet stands almost 6" by 3 3/8" (opening) and 3" base. It is made in a 3-piece mold. Any help appreciated. BOB

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      this is the Adams version, and likely a L G Wright reproduction; called 'Thousand Eye' (eye is singular)
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      it's my understanding that Wright had the Adams' molds. These were made in various colors for Wright and the color looks newer to me, as the Adams' canary/Vaseline color is more yellow; see my example of
      Adams' Wildflower.
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Yes, the actual colour is quite yellow but my photos came out this almost apple green. Thanks BOB
    4. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      Vaseline glass can be difficult to photograph, especially when using a flash.
    5. Collectomaniac Collectomaniac, 9 years ago
      Thousand eye aside, Tiffin did 3 piece molds. May be a manf. to look at. Don't know what they did tho other than carnival glass.
    6. Collectomaniac Collectomaniac, 9 years ago Ancestral?
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      This goblet has a 2" stem so could be a New Martinsville product. Bob
    8. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Thank you mikelv85, TassieDevil, Collectomaniac, fortapache, aura and rock at for the love. RER
    9. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      the goblets had several reproducers thru' the years and that Ruby Lane link seem to attempt to describe differences. I have only examined cake stands and not goblets. Reproductions include: New Martinsville Glass Co. (1920s); Viking Glass Co. (1950s); L.G. Wright Glass Co. (probably most prolific); and B and P Lamp Supply Co.; some also mention Westmoreland as reproduction but their 'Thousand Eye' was a very different motif. The number of mold marks has nothing to do with maker or time frame as the mold marks are only indicative of the complexity to the form.

      here's an online article:
    10. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      looking closely at these images and the defined arches above the bubbles at the rim, this looks like possibly an Adam's original. Maybe you can confirm with measurements of the stem as noted by Jenks, Luna & Reilly; tho' it's only a tolerance of 1/8" to 1/4".
    11. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Based on the measurements described by Jenks, Luna & Reilly, this Goblet is a newer one made by L.G.Wright. BOB
    12. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      I don't know anything technical about glass, except to say this goblet looks heavy and sturdy. I like the color, although you say it's actually more yellow. [:>)

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