Posted 9 years ago
(26 items)
Stopped at an estate sale on the way home last Saturday, it was late in the day and with no expectations I went down into the basement to see if by chance something of interest had been overlooked by the Friday 'dealers' and the Saturday morning 'weekend warriors'.
Passing immaculate stacks of Christmas ornaments and well organized fishing gear I walked into the storage area behind the stairs to see this splayed leg beauty.
Owner said it didn't work and with the power cable cut off I could see at least one reason why, but quick inspection showed the speakers and the components intact so I took the gamble and offered her $18. She countered with $20 and I hauled the 1965 Magnavox Micromatic console record player home.
It took about 10 minutes to splice on a new power cable and determine the needle was broken - ordered another on eBay for $6 and when it arrived 2 days later I plugged it in and had Italian folk songs blaring in the carport.
Made for about 3 years (1963-1965) this model was the solid state 1965 version and still sounds great. Love the stylus guarantee - we be just a bit over that 10 yr mark
Bingo for you !!!!!
Very nice piece of mid century modern hi fi equipment.
Fantastic find and fix. Congratulations! Sits well with your plant holder :)
My dad used to find these consoles in the back alleys in the 80's to 90's and bring them home. Sometimes he hit the jackpot.