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Loetz "Mandarin mit rotem Krösel" Mushroom vase, PN unknown, ca. 1927

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (649 items)

    Baltimore finds, part 2:

    This decor is mentioned exactly once in the series III section of Ricke II (the Musterschnitte). There is an example in the Glasmuseum Passau in this decor in the shape PN III-3679, and the production notes for this shape mention the decor name: "mandarin mit rotem Krösel". (Mandarin with red frits). In addition to the red frit, there are other interesting features - splotches of green aventurin, and in the outer crystal layer there floats a field of controlled internal bubbles - see the pontil photo for a clear shot of all. The iridescence is amazing in person - this is one of the best deco period Loetz pieces I've found. Although the mushroom shapes are not really represented well in the paper patterns, there is one (PN III-3900), which indicates that this one probably falls somewhere in the missing gaps between PN III-3600 and PN III-4000). There are mentions of other possible color combinations in the notes - the search for those is on:

    rauchamethyst m. maigrün oder him'blau Krösel
    rauchtopas m. orange Krösel
    saphir m. mandarin Krösel
    saphir m. färb Krösel...

    ... stay tuned! :)

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    1. artfoot artfoot, 9 years ago
      Yikes - like a little A-bomb explosion.
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 9 years ago
      Saw and held this one in person. Incredible iridescence hard to see here. Great buy Warren!
    3. jericho jericho, 8 years ago
      OK>>>>> I need to hold it!! I have a similar decor but with out the controlled bubble. the green metalic color is also more tight in your example. incredible decor

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