Posted 8 years ago
(1022 items)
Hello CW Friends!!
I found this lovely Sole Leather trunk a couple of weeks ago and couldn't pass this one up. It's constructed of 90% leather, with the exception of the steel bands that give the trunk it's shape and the wood frame around the lip of the trunk lid. Other than that, mostly leather construction.
It's from around 1900-1910 period and in pristine condition. 1910 was about the last year any Sole Leather trunks were manufactured. The handles are both complete and intact (notice the beautiful tooling on the handle caps) and even the lid lift is in near perfect condition. The leather handles and lid lift are most always deteriorated and missing. Though the leather securing straps are partially broken and missing, it doesn't seem to take away from it's appearance.
The lock is a solid brass Corbin lock. I even found a couple of keys for this one and the lock still operates beautifully, after a bit of oiling. Lots of beautiful copper rivets and the corner hardware is nickle plated.
All that was required for this one was to clean out the interior, saddle soap and condition the exterior and give it a good buffing. It's rather large 38" long and 21" tall.
I'll post the interior in part two of this post. Thanks for stopping to have a look!
Thank you Bonnie!!! It's my best Sole Leather trunk. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment, the love and for taking time to stop in and admire my trunk. Always truly appreciated!!!!
Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in. I do appreciate it very much!!
Thanks for the appreciation and for dropping in. Always appreciated!!!
Thanks very much for the appreciation Thomas. I do appreciate you!
Wow! great leather trunk, someone really took care of this one. Saw one much like it this summer at a antique flea market but it was in really bad shape, had to pass. Good find ,love it.
Thanks!! Yeah, most I see are irrecoverable. Got lucky with this one. Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in. Much appreciated!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping by
Very much appreciated!!
Scott, I am amaze are lucky you are to find such a beautiful trunk.
I looking for my blessing day to find one.
Congratulations to add this one to your awesome collection.
This is so beautiful Scott!!! Well done on finding it!!!!
The exterior is good too.
Thank you very much! Yes, I did get lucky on this one. Thanks for the love, the comment and for stopping in. Much appreciated!!!
Thank you! I've always got my eye out for nice trunks and top hats. Thanks for the comment, the love and for stopping in. Always greatly appreciated!!!
This one is in very pristine condition. Very happy to add it to my collection. Thanks for the love, the comment and for stopping in. Much appreciated!!
Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in. I do appreciate it very much!
Another admirable piece and wonderful condition once you cleaned it!
It would make a very convenient jewelry caskett... ;-D
Yep, it'd make a fine jewelry casket:) Thanks for the comment, the love and for stopping in. Many thanks!
I see these come up from tine to time - the leather is always stained and it just kills them... this one however -- WOW -- you have a knack for finding pristine pieces js -- and you do great work keeping them that way.
Well thank you trunkman!!
I love leather trunks and they are my absolute favorites to work with. This one needed minimal attention as it was well kept by it's previous owner. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, the appreciation and the for stopping in. I do appreciate it very much!!
This is stunning Scott!!
Thank you so much!!!! I do appreciate the comment, the love and for stopping in. Always very much appreciated!!!
Thanks for the appreciations and for stopping in
I do appreciate it very much!
Thanks for the appreciations and for stopping in
Always genuinely appreciated!!!!
What a stunner Scott!! I can almost feel that silky-smooth leather, it looks so beautiful!
Thanks so much Rick!! Thanks also for the appreciation and for stopping in. Always greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks very much for the love and for stopping in. Very much appreciated!!
Thanks so very much for the love and for stopping in. I do thank you!!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping in to check out my sole leather trunk. Many thanks friend!!!!
Thanks for the appreciations and for stopping by
Many thanks to you both!!
Once again I'm blown away by your work with leather. I always struggle to get leather back into shape but yours always looks incredible!!
Thank you so much!! Leather takes a lot of work and, most of all, patience. I've had the most success with Leather Rejuvenator and several applications of mink oil. There's a lot of time between applications, but well worth the wait. Unless it's "Baked" leather and then there's just not a lot you can do with it but polish it. Thanks again for the appreciation, the comment and for stopping by. I do appreciate it!!!
Thanks very much for the loves
And thank you both for stopping by. Always appreciated!!!
AntiqueToys, Thanks for the love and for stopping by!!
Im4anythingOld, Thanks for the appreciation and for stopping in!!
Buenos dias Jscott. Me encanta ver el gusto que le tiene a las piezas bonitas.
Le cuento un poco. Mi padre fue un enamorado de las piezas bonitas como usted.
Tengo un baul Sole.Leather precioso y he pensado que puede interesarle para su colocción. Si quiere verlo me facilita su email y le mando las fotos.
Un saludo.