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Sheet Music ~ "NY & Coney Island Cycle March"~E.T. Paull~Fantastic Graphics!

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (104 items)

    The E.T. Paull Music Company is famed for producing some of the most incredible graphics of any printer on their sheet music ca. 1890-1920. I couldn't find an example that had been posted here previously, so I thought I would drop this off....

    Most of Paull's production had a corporate banner on the bottom 20% of the sheet music, which is, to say the least, distracting. Occasionally they would forego that design and just do the music art work. This is perhaps the most impressive of the latter style. The pictures speak for themselves in terms of the quality of the design & lithography. What a cross-over collectible and a very desireable work of art when framed!

    Even more rare is to find one on which a prior owner had not written their name.

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    1. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 8 years ago
      Thanks for all the love, folks.
    2. btrue, 8 years ago
      This is amazing!! Such a great piece of history! Love it!
    3. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 8 years ago
      I just gotta say - there are a lot of people around here with excellent taste!
      (Thanks for the love, folks)
    4. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 8 years ago
      Bumping this up for no good reason except I really like it and want to share....
    5. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Is that a Tesla tower on the upper right?
    6. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 8 years ago
      I have no idea, but would be interested to know.

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