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Turquoise Jelly Fish Glass Sculpture

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (348 items)

    I got this Turquoise Jelly Fish Sculpture from the Monterey Bay Aquarium the other day. These are done by the Dynasty Gallery in San Francisco. Best thing about this one is that the Jelly Fish Glows in the dark! I love it. Last picture are the real ones from the Aquarium.

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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      i love these jeneric! i've seen quite a few at the Big Sur galleries and always admired them. but pricey!!
    2. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      This is lovely because it is made of glass. Been stung many times and you have to appreciate their space. :) They say jellyfish have no brains yet some are deadly. Very interesting creatures and lovely piece of glass.
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      stunning Piece !!
    4. jeneric jeneric, 8 years ago
      Thanks everyone!
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      I've always admired the skill it takes to make these! Love it!
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    7. jeneric jeneric, 8 years ago
      You too vetraio50!!
    8. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
      merry Christmas!!
    9. jeneric jeneric, 8 years ago
      You too Sean68!

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