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Navy Admiral's Command Telephone

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    This telephone is not mine, but I wished it was. Used by Admiral's or ships Capt. on large ships like the Battleship or Aircraft Carriers. Note the two anchors on each side of the dial. manufactured in 1951 by Automatic Electric Co of Chicago, IL who made many ship board telephones for the Navy.

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    1. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      AR8Jason, This information comes from a long time telephone collector (50 Years) who is retired and lives in Hemet,CA. It is for sale at the tune of $7,500. It is still in the original 1951 wooden crate that was being shipped to the Navy. phone and equipment weights 120lbs. It is a very interesting phone, but the price tag is out of line.
    2. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Gorgeous Piece and so Unique Nice Tom!
    3. MikeHebert MikeHebert, 14 years ago
      Extremely rare and beautiful piece. It is nice to see such truly authentic Admirals phone in such pristine condition.
    4. Alida, 14 years ago
      AR8Jason~you were mentioning areas that would show authenticity. where would these be located on the phone? And are there any other areas to identify?
      The reason I ask is because I have the exact same style phone (definately been used). This phone weighs a ton (figurativly speaking). The screws had been removed to take off the top (casing that holds the receiver) inside is a
      U(anchor)S stamp.
      On the front it has a tag that says "Executive Right of Way" Next to that it has the tag just below the dial "Type D Telephone Automatic Electric Company" Below the lights is a tag that has
      Would be great to hear back as to what it is I have here.
    5. Alida, 14 years ago
      AR8Jason~I posted a show & tell as I could not figure out how to put the photo's in here. Hope the pic's help.
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 13 years ago
      Now you know where part of your tax money goes.
    7. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      You got that right!!!!
    8. zguy2112 zguy2112, 13 years ago
      They had this exact phone on "Pawn Stars" last night, guy wanted like $5k....wound up selling it for $500. Lots of these are still around.
    9. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      It's not a rare as they think, condition has a lot to do with the price, but not 5000
    10. zguy2112 zguy2112, 13 years ago
      Yeah, the only cool thing on this phone is the "Nuke" button. I guess you could launch some serious bombs from this phone. The old man "Pawn Stars" only gave the guy $500. for it.
    11. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Thank you inky
    12. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      I just saw this again, and had to "love" it again, and tell you how wonderful it is to see it. Thank you.
    13. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Thank you again miKKoChristmas11
    14. Bigbryi67, 12 years ago
      The two guys on the American Picker show hagled with a person who had a phone like this. They gave him $130. I noticed they didn't show what they would ask for it or say they were getting it appraised.

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