Posted 8 years ago
(1013 items)
Hello fellow collectors!!!
Here's the newest addition to my trunk collection. It's a small antique French made trunk. It still retains it's original striped canvas covering and even retains it's original key, which operates the lock just beautifully. Always a plus! Ironically enough, this trunk has the same identical lock as my French doll trunk that I recently posted and the key operates the locks of both trunks. Based on similar trunks of the same size and style, I'll place this one in the 1870 to 1890 period.
This one was so extremely filthy dirty when I took possession of it, that you could hardly tell it was striped. I was able to steam the dirt and most of the staining off to exposed the awesome striped canvas covering. I cleaned the wood slats and polished the brass, which I had no idea that this little trunk had so many brass tacks until I started cleaning the trunk. The interior is covered in solid light blue paper (not really worth posting a pic of).
I prefer to keep this one in the original condition and do not wish to alter or reline this one in any form. I love it just the way it is. Hope you all do as well.
I thought that it may be a doll trunk, but it's 20" long, 11" tall and 12" deep and has remnants of Paris travel stickers on one end. So, I don't believe it's a doll trunk, just a small travel trunk.
Not a Louie Vuitton, but I'm still quite happy with it anyway!!
Thanks for stopping in for continuing to support my posts. Always very sincerely appreciated!!!
What a delightful and beautiful find js... this is gorgeous...!!!
Thank you for the awesome comment and the very quick appreciation!! Very much appreciated!!
Thanks very much for the lovely comment and the appreciation. Many thanks my friend!!
Such a lovely little trunk Scott, and I love it just the way it is too!!
I don't know what it looked like before Scott, but it's definitely a handsome-looking trunk now!
Cleaned up real nice Scott!
Looks great and having the key is a big plus.
It is so very stylish Scott. Very French!
Thanks so very much! Glad you agree.
Thanks friend for the handsome comment!
Thanks! It took quite a bit of work to clean this one. Cleaning the canvas is a very touchy process, but I've found that my steam cleaner works wonders for that.
Thanks! I didn't know it had a key until I was cleaning out the interior and the tiny little (very rusty) key fell out.
Thanks everyone for the loves
And thank you all for stopping in. Very much appreciated!!!!
Thanks!! That striped canvas, the style and all those little brass tacks are all very French looking. The French trunks are definitely my favorites and I couldn't pass this one up. Thanks again very much!!!!
It is definitely gorgeous!
Thank you myoldkyhome!!
I was pleased at how well it turned out. This one took a little longer than usual, but with the canvas covering and all of those brass nails, I had to be extra careful not to ruin any part of this one. I wanted to keep it in its' original state without altering it in any way and I somehow managed to accomplish that. Thanks again!!!
Thanks very much for the loves
And thank you all for stopping by. Many thanks to you all!!
Very nice new addition to your great collection! Nice clean up and restor, Scott! [;>)
Well, thank you NevadaBlades!!! I was extremely happy to be able to save this one. It was moving close to the point of no return!!
Thanks very much for the appreciations
And thank you both for dropping in. Many thanks to you both!!
Well Scott, I have always wondered if they made a smaller version of the one I had, Mine was the biggest dome top that I have ever owned.
It came in at 44 inches long. You don't see these that often.Would have kept it ,but was just too big.
Cool trunk,Thanks for posting!!
Wow bjb5859,
That is a BIG dome top! No, you definitely don't see that often. I do have a flat top that's 44", that I've had for many years now, but that's the biggest I have in my collection. Thanks again friend!!
u worked hard scott!! well deserved::))
btw recently i picked up an old suitcase..and it has number lock....does it mean its not so old then?
Thank you so much!! I do appreciate the kind comment.
In regards to your old suitcase. The number on the lock could be the patent date which only means that the lock was patented on that date, or the number could simply mean the key number that fits that particular lock.
Thanks for the loves
And thank you both for stopping in. Much appreciated!!
Good morning scott!!(i presume it's morning on your side as the sun is setting soon where i am)
Thanks for the info: shall try to crack it;)
Yep, it's 5:44 AM here in Kentucky. You should post the suitcase you found and we can tell you a bit more about it and the lock.
Thanks so very much for the love and for stopping by. I do sincerely appreciate it!
Thanks very much for the appreciations
And thank you both for dropping in. Very much appreciated!!!
Jeepers, just when I think you couldn't possibly have something to top what I've already seen...!!!
Wow!! Thank you so much for the awesome comment!! I do love my French made trunks. They all seem to be such incredibly high quality trunks and very unique at that. Thanks again and thanks also for the love. Always a true pleasure to have you drop by and comment.
Thanks so very much for the loves
And thank you all for stopping by. Very truly appreciated!!!!
Thanks so very much for the love and for stopping by. Much appreciated!!
Thanks very much for the appreciation and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!
Thanks so very much for the loves
And thank you both for stopping in. Many thanks!!!!
Ok pal, So I looked at this some time ago for quite sometime without commenting in hopes of finding like items to compare(no luck).The Size is also not often seen.
First let me say that it is a cool piece. There are some things that make this trunk somewhat unique/puzzling .Here are some thoughts having seen quite bit of what is out there .#1 the brass slat clamps have a detail groove on them (Have never seen it on a french trunk).#2 The slats themselves have chamfer cut into them (Have never seen that either on french trunk.#3 hinges are exposed over the canvas not under (Have not seen that as well.#Screws on the Hinges and a top handle that I believe was possibly put on at a later time period.#4 The handles on the side I have seen before, years ago on an American replica item from restoration hardware.#5 The number of brass studs and the fact that they are attached through
the stripped canvas are not something you see done by the French. Done more so by the Americans . That is not to say that it is not from France or somewhere else in Europe(Think Brussels). The tighter stripes in the canvas tended to come from other european countries. I have seen a similar brass lock on a trunk made by Strasbourg. There was also a period in the U.S. when anything French was all the rage and American manufactures did try to replicate the look. Makers all had tendencies ,Not seeing the inside, which sometimes can carry tell tale signs. I.E. Dividers of the space/how the inside tray is supported/baskets etc. As well as the bottom perimeter boards (Mitered corners are a dead give away) that it is french made. How the slats are arranged on the bottom, can also sometimes be an indicator.
front to back or side to side.
A Neat find all the same Scott, I'm just not sure what to make of her.
Thanks very much for the awesome information and comment! I was just looking thru my files and now remember that I purchased this from a seller in the Netherlands. They sold it to me as a French doll trunk. So, perhaps it was made in the Netherlands. Not sure about that though. Thanks so very much for the great comment and information. Always very much appreciated!!!!
Thanks so very much for the love and for stopping in. Much appreciated!!!
Thank you so very much for the love and for stopping in!!
Thank you very much for the love and for stopping in!!