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Mystery Art Nouveau Pitcher...Poschinger?

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martika's loves1638 of 5502Mystery birdGem Quality Lightning Ridge Black Opal in an 18ct Gold Ring,  probably circa 1930, and made in Australia
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (134 items)

    Posted for Andy:

    There are several things I don't understand about this pitcher. The first is how it came from Germany to Vienna in just one day by DHL, normal postage. The second is why I was the only bidder for it, although the price was very moderate and the size consderable (almost 17''). The third is why I have never seen it before although I have been following all kinds of sources for years. And the last but not least, who made it?
    I do have a theory, but gladly accept corrections. My first thought, because of the shape and the trailing around the neck was Pallme Koenig. Of course, the problem was in the feathering, never seen in PK. All the elements - relief feathering, dark violet color with red hues and trailing - I have seen only in Ferdinand von Poschinger vessels, so I would say that this maker is my most likely candidate.
    The condition of all elements is intact, the metal part is very elaborate, so I'd say that all in all this is one of the best examples of floral, ornamental Art Nouveau.

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      outstanding piece of Art Nouveau the sinuous metal mounts reflecting on the flowing feathering & to top all the applied trails gorgeous thanks for sharing dlfd911
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Wow, stunning piece that grabs your eye !!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 8 years ago
      what a wonderful pitcher I really would love touching it and sensing the texture

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