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Union civil war uniform

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Military Jackets and Coats54 of 156Vintage Navy-Blue Wool Military Coatussr wool jacket
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (121 items)

    I acquired this beautiful uniform. What do you think about it? I know it's Union beacause of the blue wool that the uniform is made. Well I hope everyone enjoys I certainly do. :)

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      It is not a standard issue Union uniform.

      Looks to be some sort of State issue item-- which could be pre or post War (assuming it is US).

      Some close up photos of the buttons would be useful as well as any markings in the lining.

    2. Takeyourtime Takeyourtime, 8 years ago
      So it is Union?
    3. Takeyourtime Takeyourtime, 8 years ago
      It's Us it has the blue dye of a union uniform. New York regiment is where it comes from.
    4. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      I wouldn't use blue or gray color to determine affiliation. Many pre- war militia uniforms don't follow the standard thought. Additionally, Southern uniforms are all over the board in color.

      Are they NY buttons?

      The cuff banding design with the diamonds or squares is unusual.

      MOST militia uniforms encountered today are post- Civil War. Photographic evidence shows this type of militia uniform being used through most of the 19th century.

    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Your expectations here from one poorly lite pic. is truly optimistic. Many Southern militia uniforms were union blue before the War also. The buttons will probably be the identifying thing. You are allowed 4 pix, so please don't tease us in the future with one dark pic..
    6. Takeyourtime Takeyourtime, 6 years ago
      1715 sailor uniform
    7. Takeyourtime Takeyourtime, 6 years ago
      excelsior is what is says on the buttons maybe its from the 1600s if so it could be very very very old piece
    8. scottvez scottvez, 6 years ago
      These style buttons are mid to late 19th century at the earliest.

      I see nothing in the jacket or buttons to suggest anything earlier.


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